Friday, August 15, 2008

Super Children

Today was the last day of the first week of school for my children and just like I wrote yesterday it was a good thing that there were only three school days this week. The children were awake as they should be this morning but my daughter certainly reverted to her old self just about making it downstairs in time to have breakfast. I have imposed a "no yelling" zone in the house especially in the morning when it comes to my daughter. I have laid out the rules for her and it is up to her to either follow the rules or go against these rules. If she makes it downstairs in time for breakfast she will eat breakfast but if she doesn't than she will go to school hungry. It has been three for three this week making just under the wire this morning.

I made it a point to be home with my children as they woke up this morning but I deferred the walking them to school to my wife. I made them breakfast and my son even had some fruit. This is a minor victory in and of itself because his diet is less than stellar. I think it is the complete opposite of my diet as my son prefers processed foods along with not eating fruits or vegetables. I will take small victories as I try to mix in some fruit hence the banana this morning. I think he has an aversion to an food which is green so I will taking eating the banana this morning!!!

My daughter also shares this same diet but she is even pickier. She is certainly my daughter and has my eating habits when I was her age. I can see it in her mannerisms and how she looks at certain foods. I owe my parents a huge apology for the way I acted when I was my daughter's age and probably even younger.

There was the "jumping out of the window" incident when I was around my daughter's age when I refused to eat the meatloaf. Much to my parents credit they let me act out whatever it was I was acting out and didn't really make a big deal of things. I didn't actually jump out the window but by the same token I don't remember eating the meatloaf. I see this in my daughter and getting her to eat certain things is a huge battle. I refuse to battle because she does have an iron will and this does make things worse. This morning there was a banana on her plate and she didn't to give me any problems. She will eat some fruits but just like my son the vegetables are another story. Oh well I will implement the "one vegetable at a time" strategy and we will see where all this goes.

My children and my wife were off to school walking and I was off to the gym. Fridays in the office are very quiet and the fact that I took off on Tuesday meant I should go in today and I did. However; first I was off to the gym for a very good workout. I am listening to my body and it appears I need to cut back on actual running and mix in more cycling. Today was a cycling day and this felt much better than a run. I am also changing my weight training workout because I no longer have three hours a day to exercise.

I have learned so much in the last few years about working out especially when I was incarcerated. I have lost some strength over the last few years but what I have lost in this area I have more than made up for in endurance. I want to mix in more weight training and did this morning. I no longer have to exercise for an hour plus as I can get more out of 30 minute session than an hour session. Today was one of the better days and I felt great after the workout.

I made my way into the office after the very solid workout and there were more people than usual in the office. Unfortunately the "air" is less than enthusiastic but we always seem to get in a few laughs. These are very good people and my life is so much better since I have started over five months ago. I know things will work out the way they will work out which is usually for the best but for now I will continue to enjoy all the good people in the office.

I didn't seem to do much other than catching up and I only got one of the things on my "to do" list done which is okay by me. I was home when the children got home from school and I continue to be amazed by my children. My son didn't have any pressing homework so he went outside to ride his bike. He rides his bike so hard that when he is done he looks like he just jumped in the pool. He has so much energy it truly is amazing. My daughter on the other hand had homework she "wanted" to do and spent two hours in her room doing this homework. They are wonderful children and I am extremely blessed.

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