As I quickly approach the end of this part of my journey, I would like to write something poetic or with dramatic prose, but “I got nuthin’”! My well has run dry – if I even had a well in the first place. On a more serious note, there are thoughts cascading around my brain and all of those thoughts are positive. I am so looking forward to this coming Wednesday as I rejoin the free world. Everything is seemingly in place but I am sure there are things which I have never thought of that will occur as I reenter the free world. I made a promise to myself almost three years ago that my fall from Grace would not define me as a person. Thankfully, I have found a program of recovery where I can recover and be a good/positive person. Back three years ago the tunnel was very dark, but now I can see a beautiful light at the end and no, it isn’t another oncoming freight train. The brightness is sunshine along with happiness.
Here it is my final Friday of my incarceration and my smile is starting to grow. The day has been the same as all the other days this week and the months before. The early morning arrived and it was time for the daily weight workout with my roommate. We did have an excellent workout and the rain did not deter us. We have now worked out everyday for the past three weeks and with only 5 workouts remaining I am not about to take a day off. I’m not sure what all the exercise experts would say about working out without taking a day off, but it isn’t about growing huge muscles – it is about the comraderie I share with my roommate. I suspect he will be somewhat happy when I parole so he could take a day off, but until then I am sure he will be a trooper at each workout.
I certainly haven’t starved over the past 19 ½ months – all thanks to my friends. It will be interesting to step on a scale for the first time because I do believe I have gained some weight. Most people thought I would melt away before I entered prison due to my peculiar eating habits, but I have more than made do. I doubt my diet will solely contain oatmeal, peanut butter, beans, and rice when I am released. Let me rephrase that last sentence – “I hope my diet will solely not contain those items, but I will have to be minding my finances so I may only afford those items. Anyway, I do know I can survive and survive well on a diet of these staples.
This afternoon I did something I have not done during the week. I went into the television room for the sole purpose of watching two episodes of SEINFELD. This has been my favorite television show of all times. I was in mourning when it went off the air and I haven’t really enjoyed any show as much. The first episode was “The Puffy Shirt” and I had forgotten how cleverly written this show was. I haven’t seen an episode of SEINFELD since coming to prison so it was wonderful enjoying this show. The second episode was the “Library Book” and like all the other episodes a theme of nothing does turn out to be about everything. The certainly don’t make shows like this anyore.