As I sit here, it is currently snowing in this part of Southern California. This storm has come out of nowhere as the weather forecast called for sunny skies with temperatures in the 60’s. Well, the sky is overcast and the temperature is in the 30’s. It has been snowing for the past two hours and is sticking to the trees, bushes, and grass. The snow is quite beautiful and serene. The adjacent mountains are covered in white which provides a magnificent effect. I was told that it has snowed here in the past and with accumulation. This is the first time I have experienced snow here at camp. I do recall it snowing a few days before Thanksgiving several years ago, but that was my one and only Southern California snow experience. The current snow does remind me of the snow that fell a few days after my wife and I brought my daughter home from the hospital ten years ago.
The snowflakes are white, fluffy, and wet. Most of the snow melts when it reaches the ground but the tree tops, bushes, and grass have a wondrous coating. It is amazing how quickly things can change as the bright warm sunshine has been replaced by clouds and snow. I certainly don’t mind the snow as I watched it fall from my room’s window. At times like these my mind focuses on my children. I think my daughter was just 3 years old when I took her to the ski area near Las Vegas. We went with a good friend and his daughter. I remember my daughter frolicking in the snow and some areas were deeper than she was tall! Growing up on the East Coast I learned to dislike snow as I grew older. Snow was great when I was a kid because enough of it would cancel school and it would be playtime for the entire day. Those were fantastic times. However, as I grew older I couldn’t take “snow days” from work and I would have to venture out in the snowstorms. At one point I remember it taking me 5 hours to get to work when it would normally take 45 minutes. Thankfully, I did not have to do this too often because 14 years ago I along with my wife moved out west where snow became a rarity.
I must admit watching the snow fall is a peaceful and serene experience much like it was when I was much younger. Somewhere along the way I became jaded and now it is nice to take it all in. Since it doesn’t snow very often in this part of Southern California I can marvel at all of Nature’s beauty. I am certain the snow is short lived, but I will enjoy it as long as it lasts as I will enjoy the day. My head is finally clear of the “crap” which infested it for so many years and all of this is thanks to recovery. With this clear head, I can’t help but to smile. This journey has been incredible. I do remember experiencing a short-lived snowstorm when I was at Jamestown. I do think it was very close to this time last year when it occurred. The journey is winding down and with it I take valuable lessons with me such as “Don’t anything for granted especially Nature.” I firmly believe I am a creature of Nature as is everyone on this planet. Nature offers wonders everyday and on days like this some of those wonders are more prominent. It is up to me to stay focused on those everyday wonders and thankfully this is my intention as I live one day at a time.
Today is also Valentine’s Day and Happy Valentine’s Day! I do believe it is a contrived holiday, but nonetheless there is nothing wrong with expressing love. This should extend beyond this one day a year of roses, hearts, and chocolates. In years past, I succumbed to materialistics that come with Valentine’s Day. I would purchase my wife roses, chocolates and other assorted gifts over the years. All of those gifts have come and gone, but my love for my wife endures. I sometimes remain silent when expressing my love for her and this was certainly the case in the past. I love my wife with all my heart and soul. We have known each other for more than 25 years. That routine has been obliterated and this has turned out to be a positive. In less than two weeks I will be with my wife and I can’t wait. This reunion will be short-lived as she will return to NJ as the children finish the school year. My hopes are they will come back in June and we can be a family again. I do believe everything will workout for the best and I look forward to that first hug and kiss with my wife as a free man. There will be many firsts and I will cherish each and every moment because I know it can all be taken away at anytime. Life is meant to be lived one moment at a time and all of those moments are wonderful. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie – I love you very much!