Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another Unexpected Pen Pal

A few weeks ago I wrote to a person my mother encountered through an online recovery forum. The person’s story is very similar to mine as compulsive gambling led him to the gates of prison. I sent a letter to this person who is in another county. I didn’t expect a reply so quickly, but when I received the mail last night, there was the reply from another unexpected pen pal. I am amazed as to how fast this correspondence has gone. The letter was wonderful, and I could hear the same sentiments I had when I first started this journey 17 months ago. Fortunately, this person has a much shorter sentence and will be out very soon. It really doesn’t matter how long the sentence is. The fact that of the matter is being in prison separated from society. This was certainly traumatic for me when I first started, and now I look forward to rejoining society.

Last night, I received a letter from a very good friend, and receiving mail is such a positive. Normally, my mother sends at least one piece almost every day, but has taken a few weeks off. Her void has been filled by my dear friends, and it is amazing how a letter brightens my day even at this stage of my journey.

The mail was read, and I had some hot chocolate last night as winter seems to be settling in (I guess as far as southern California standards are concerned!). The hot chocolate was very welcomed as the heat in the dorm does not seem to be working properly. The heating unit on the side of the dorm in which I live is broken. All is not lost because the other heating unit that heats the room across the hall does work, so there is some indirect heat. Since the heating unit does not work, I need three blankets, and it is very difficult to get out of bed in the morning. I had to force myself out of bed, and I am thinking of sleeping in my sweats so it won’t be so traumatic getting out of bed. I quickly got dressed in sweats and went outside. I would swear it seemed warmer outside than it did inside the dorm. I worked out in the weight area this morning, and I warmed up in a hurry. I am making changes to my exercise routine and will cut back on the aerobics for at least until the end of the year. I have always had a slight pain in the top of my left foot, and this morning that pain was exacerbated with the cold temperatures. The pain doesn’t bother me when I run, but there are times like this morning that are more noticeable than others. This is why I am cutting back on the aerobics.

The excellent workout ended, and it was off to the usual. Breakfast was very uneventful and so was cleaning the showers. My math skills (counting boxes) were put to the test this morning as I helped inventory the “store” items which were delivered today. A month ago I helped my roommate with the store, and today, I helped our friend who is taking over for my roommate. I must admit I prefer counting the boxes to cleaning the bathrooms, and I welcomed the diversity to my day. I have gotten into a solid routine with cleaning the bathrooms, but I find myself creating more “games” as I clean now that I am alone. I did have help a few days ago, but it wasn’t the same as my friend. I learned early on in this journey that being a take-charge person is a detriment, so there’s a fine line when telling someone what to do. I have found saying less is the best route. Anyhow, I relished the inventory procedure this morning and did a good job.

As I was eating lunch outside, the very hungry squirrels approached. They came right up to me when I was sitting outside looking for food. I still do get somewhat nervous as I really don’t trust these squirrels. I did peel off a part of my sandwich and gave it to them. This makes them scurry to their holes, and then I can enjoy my lunch in peace. I only stayed outside for about 20 minutes because the wind picked up, and it seemed colder. I went into my room where I read. I spent the rest of the day writing, which is wonderful therapy.