If there is anyone who ever wondered what a prisoner does on a Saturday evening, I can answer only for myself. This prisoner played Scrabble with two friends. Yes, the Scrabble game was taken out and the three of us played. I have gone from not ever playing Scrabble one month ago to having played it three times in the past week. I was better last night and instead of my woeful performance the last time I played, I finished a mere 9 points behind the winner. The word zee (yes it is actually a word which means the letter z – not much of a definition, but it did appear in the dictionary-along with the word - quiz - did me in. I had a lead up until these words appeared on consecutive plays. I had a very good time playing with my two friends and now I can say I am a big fan of Scrabble. Playing the board game was a good change of pace from staying in my room all night long. We played the game in the library because it was much too cold outside. In a month, we will be able to play in one our rooms when my one friend moves over to out dorm. One of the camp’s rules prohibits any person from going into a dorm where they do not reside. I do believe this is a good rule because it keeps the traffic through the dorms at a minimum.
My Life Equals Love
After breakfast, visiting time arrived and my name was announced. I added extra layers due to the cold thinking visiting would be outside. As it turned out, I didn’t need the extra layers because visiting was held inside due to the extreme cold. I walked toward the dining hall and saw a very dear friend who is not usually part of the GA meeting/visit.
The meeting did not take place but my two very dear friends came instead. These are the two amazing people who have visited me the most – not only here but also at Jamestown. It was almost one year ago when these two dear friends came to visit me in Jamestown and once again they were here today. I am always happy to see them because I love them dearly. I came to the conclusion today that life equals love. I am surrounded with love and these two dear friends are a huge part of that love. I have gone on and on about them in the past and I am continually amazed as to what wonderful people they are to me. Yes, there is so much love and once again they made my day. We hugged, kissed, laughed, talked, and ate for three very fast hours. The venue (being in the dining hall) may have changed but the visit was great as usual. I can’t say enough about these two fabulous people and I now know what friendship means. We have become close friends and they bring so much joy to my life. Wow, three years ago I didn’t even know them and now they are two of my closest friends. My life is extraordinary and the people in my life are marvelous!