After exercising I was going over to the library to do some writing but I got sidetracked with a conversation about a few newspaper articles regarding the prison system. A strange thrust of fate has arisen within this whole prison overcrowding dilemma. The state of California faces a very large budget deficit– estimates put it at between $10 to $14 billion dollars – due to the collapse of the real estate market. Governor Schwarzenneger is proposing cuts across the prisons and education. One of the proposals has the Governor releasing over 20,000 inmates which would save the state money. These are just possible proposals and I very much doubt any of this will impact me as the timing arises very close to my release date.
California appears headed into a budget crisis and 2008 should be an interesting year. The ironic part of this possible release is that the articles or the Governor never mentioned anything about overcrowding. Also, the Governor was adamant one year ago about NOT releasing any inmates early. I guess the old adage “money talks and bull____ walks” comes to mind! There is so much talk of releasing inmates early – I do believe something is bound to happen and most likely sometime in 2008. I am leaving here on February 27th which is my focus, and the end is very near – then the new beautiful beginning commences.