Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a great day and to all of those that choose to not celebrate Christmas I hope you had fantastic day as well. I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas to my family and friends. Without these wonderful people Christmas wouldn't have any meaning to me instead this Christmas meant the world to me!!

The day started out with my son coming into our room at 7:45 am (not bad) and he followed the instructions my wife and I gave him last night which was; he was not allowed to go downstairs until his sister was awake. He waited very patiently for the next hour and fifteen minutes until his sister woke up then we all headed downstairs to see if Santa had made a stop at our house.

I must back up for a second because I was very surprised to see my seven year old daughter wake up so late on Christmas morning. I was talking to her before we went downstairs and she told me she had trouble sleeping last night because she thought she heard Santa and the reindeer on the roof at 2:00 am. She wanted to come into our bedroom but thought better of it and tried to get back to sleep. I said to my daughter that I was very surprised to see she wasn't awake sooner and she told me she would rather sleep late then open her presents. She said this in such a grown-up way that I truly believed her and it wasn't as if she was knocking Christmas and the presents rather she would choose to sleep in and take her time with the opening the presents. She is so much older than seven years old and by the way the fact that she thought she heard Santa on the roof tells me she still believes in the Big Red Guy!!

We all headed downstairs and the children were very excited to see the presents under the tree. They proceeded to open Santa's gifts in record time and then went onto the family's gifts also in record time. Grandma always treats her grandchildern very well throughout the year and Christmas was certainly NO exception. I believe the children received more gifts from Grandma then they did for S. Clause; thank you Grandma!!!

The big hit this year was a miniature guitar for my daughter which Grandpa could give her hand with if he lived closer. It is an actual acoustic guitar it is just smaller than a regular one. It was very difficult to get the guitar away from my daughter and I must say she was strumming it very nicely. The big hits for my son were a bicycle and something called a "flywheel". My son is learning to ride a bicycle and the bicycle he had broke a few months ago so Santa thought it would be a good idea to get him a bicycle. The "flywheel" is a very inexpensive and simple toy; a rubber tire with a pull string that bounces all around the house; I had a lot of fun with this toy because I loved the bouncing action. It was a great morning!!!

This was the first time in 23 Christmas' that my wife and I did NOT exchange presents. Due to all of the hardship I have caused we decided not to buy one another presents. I know we agreed to this and we both abided by our decision but neither one of us really liked this. I know it is only temporary and life will continue to go on; however; it certainly has given me a new meaning of Christmas. It is not about the most expensive or elaborate gift it is all about having the family together and we were. This is what Christmas means to me and yes, I certainly learned it the hard way but at least I continue to learn each and every day.

This afternoon and evening we went over to another dear friends of ours for dinner. Just like yesterday we had a great time and the food was great as well. It was a small gathering and even though the two sets of friends that we shared Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are relatively new in our life I feel like I have known this people for a very long time. They are both unbelievable people and their support is beyond great. I would like to thank them for a wonderful two days.

Unlike yesterday where my day started out with a Gamblers Anonymous meeting today it ended with a Gamblers Anonymous meeting tonight. I know I have a compulsive personality in most things I do and I suspect GA is no different. I am working on the balance my life has lacked for so long but the GA Program is very important to me because it is the basis of my recovery. Without this Program everything else goes away including the family, friends, career and life. I made a commitment to myself that if I have the opportunity to go to a meeting I will go to a meeting.

We had finished our dinner and dessert and I asked my wife if it would be okay if I went to the meeting. She said yes but she wanted me to ask our friends as well. Our friends did not have any problem with me leaving for an hour to attend the meeting because their support is fantastic. I was able to attend the meeting and even though it was Christmas night we had 10 people in attendance. It truly is an inspirational Program and I know as long as it is a part of my life I will succeed. Compulsive gambling has ruled my life for so long but I am slowly taking back parts of my life and I have the GA Program to thank for this because they have showed me the right way to battle my addiction. It is a treatable disease and I intend to treat my disease one day at a time.


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