Monday, June 13, 2005

Willie Wonka

There are some movies which transcend time and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is one of them. My children really like this movie along with The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. All of these movies are well over thirty-five years old. I had the pleasure of watching Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with my two children sitting on my lap (having my children by my side really puts life in its proper prospective). The movie even held my four year old's attention which is quite a feet!!! No matter when a movie is made if it is a GREAT movie it will play in any generation. I understand they are remaking Willie Wonka and it is due out in theaters some time this summer. If a movie is a great movie why would you do it again? The obvious answer is MONEY but why mess with perfection. No matter how good the second Willie Wonka movie is there is only one original. I believe Johnny Depp is playing Willie Wonka in the new version and this is a good casting call because he is a very gifted actor but there is only one Gene Wilder and thus only one Willie Wonka. I could be wrong about the remake of Willie Wonka but if my 7 and 4 year old like a thirty-five year old movie why mess with it????

I received a wonderful email from my older sister. I know she has had her problems with what I did and really who hasn't. However; she made me feel very good today with some wonderful words. This email meant a great deal to me. She is a wonderful mother and she is a wonderful person. I have some very great people in my family and they all have shown their true character during this very difficult time. I love them all. One more item about my sister, she truly has three exceptional children. I spoke about her oldest daughter last night with the great softball game. Her only son plays a mean saxophone and at 12 years old plays at a Jazz Club on Sundays, how cool is that!! Finally, her youngest daughter is my daughter's soul mate. These two are very different; however; when they get together no one else in the world matters as long as they have each other. My sister is truly blessed and I am truly blessed to be surrounded by these magnificent people.

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