Monday, July 11, 2005


Life is filled with adversity. Some people seem to have a great deal and others seemingly none. Let's face it everyone has some type of adversity in their lives or they wouldn't be human. It is to what degree the adversity is and how the person deals with it. Is it impossible to achieve total happiness? I once thought nothing was impossible but in the past few months I have learned it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to gamble like "normal" people and yes, I do believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to have total happiness. This goes back to the previous thought of adversity; everyone has adversity and during these times people are certainly not totally happy. With happiness comes sadness. It is in sadness that one can either dwell on it or move forward. I am choosing to move forward and live in happiness not sadness.

On the surface my life was pretty good before all of my troubles. However; deep down something was missing. Life is not about the big house, big bank account, multitudes of "friends" or important career. Life is about living in an honest open way and I haven't done this. I am starting to do this but sometimes it is difficult. Sometimes I feel it is much easier to lie than to tell the truth because I have conditioned myself to this. However; it is much easier to tell the truth because it is so much easier to remember! I don't have to worry about remembering my stories because now they are all the same, the truth.

Today our guests from the East Coast departed. They are a wonderful young family and have such love for each other and their beautiful baby girl. They are genuine people and hopefully their future will be filled with happiness. I have known my sister-in-law for a very long time. I still can't believe she has a baby girl. When I first met my wife her sister was 6 years old and now she is all grown up with a wonderful husband and daughter. Time certainly stands still for no one.

Life is filled with unexpected challenges and the mettle of a person is how they face these challenges. In my past I thought I had all the answers to the challenge and now I have found out I don't have any answers. I am just trying my best and I will continue to try my best each and everyday. As long as I keep trying and keep learning each day will be filled with wonderment.

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