Saturday, July 02, 2005


Everyone has a purpose in this life and no one's purpose is more meaningful than the next. I had lost my purpose and drifted into complacency. This complacency led me to places I thought I would never be. I was awoken from this deep slumber four months ago today. I don't want to go back to that place and I want to live my life with a purpose.

You may ask what is my purpose? I am not clear on this answer but I do know what my purpose is NOT. My purpose is NOT to be complacent. Just because I show up at my children's events does not make me a good father. Just because I am nice to people does not make me a good person. I need to take a more active role in life and I am and will continue to do so. My purpose in life will take shape as each day goes by because life without a purpose has no meaning.

Sometimes in life some decisions have a way of being made for you. A few days ago I spoke of a moral dilemma and having to make a decision regarding this dilemma. Well, this decision has been made for me. Some people will say anything and everything to get out of a situation and I know this because I was one of those people. I was faced with a person saying anything and everything to get out of a situation and I knew where it was going. I sensed their frustration and their ability to say and do anything so they could get their way. Unfortunately, the person is not in control of this situation and has very little leverage. This person will try anything to get of the situation and most of it will be fiction and very little will be fact. The decision has already been made and this person will have to come to terms with this fact.

I have always been a big believer of karma and what goes around comes around. My parents taught me to treat people the same way as I would like to be treated. For the most part I have adhered to this teaching. (I did say for the most part!) Also, if you treat people with respect you will be treated the same way. Some people like to tell stories and like to tell people what they want to hear. There really is no purpose in doing this; if you tell someone one thing and tell another person something else you will get caught in a lie. When you are the person that does the lying you may have a hard time if you are on the receiving end. But remember what goes around comes around.

Today my son got stung by a bee, his first bee sting. Thank goodness he is okay and does not appear to be allergic like his Dad. He was very upset and I pulled the stinger out of his finger and he cried for awhile. We put ice on his finger and sprayed some medication. He was most concerned with receiving a band aid so we complied and put a band aid on his finger. I was just speaking with my daughter about the incident and she asked if he was okay. She also asked if he was allergic and I said he does not appear to be but I am allergic to bee stings. She asked me what would happen if I got stung by a bee and I said I could die if I didn't get to a hospital in time. She was very sad to hear this and she said she didn't want to get a new Dad and if I were to die she would miss me more than anything in the world. Yes, it is a morbid subject but hearing this from my seven year old daughter makes eyes well up and gives me that sense of purpose.

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