There are days where every moment of that particular day is a blur. There weren’t too many of these as I served my “time” but lately especially in the last three weeks all the days seem like this. Today was a particularly quick day. As I have mentioned I am staying over another dear friends’ house watching their dog while they enjoy a vacation with the entire family. Their dog is such a sweet dog and is no problem whatsoever. I feel badly when I leave him in the morning and don’t return back until after I am finished working.
This being Tuesday is one of my two long days with work and the GA meetings. I couldn’t leave him (the dog) outside all day long without any social interaction so I made it point to go back to the house for an hour before the GA meeting. I took him for a walk and he seemed very grateful. We took a 40 minute walk and I am not sure who was walking whom!
He is a Golden Retriever and is quite large. Once he gets going he is difficult to slow down. I didn’t like the fact that his collar seemed to be choking him while we walked so I sped up my walking. At one point I started to jog and we were keeping up with one another. The jogging seemed to tire him out as he was much slower on the way back as opposed to on the way out. This was a great deal of fun and as always I am grateful for the opportunity.
In between dog-sitting I did go to work but today was a very different work day. Earlier in the morning we had an important meeting with some prospective clients and I had to do some work in my office. My boss and I were supposed to play golf with another member from GA but yesterday this person cancelled because something unexpected had come up. I was looking forward to playing golf and apparently so was my boss since he asked if I still wanted to go. Of course, I most certainly obliged and this afternoon we played golf.
The last time I played golf was over 20 months ago with my good friend in Las Vegas. This was part of the trip with my family as they headed back east. During that golf game I didn’t know when the next time I would play golf again but only 20 months later here I was with a golf club in my hand on a beautiful spring day playing golf. Wow what an incredible day.
I was relatively quiet the entire time playing golf because I was soaking in every moment. We played a course I have played many times before and I used to live right down the street. This was the same golf course I used to take my daughter and son from time to time. In fact, yesterday my daughter asked me if I had been to this golf course yet. There were a great deal of fond memories on this golf course and today was one of those fond memories.
I played relatively well for someone who really hasn’t played in over a year and half. I promptly started off with a par and ended up with a par. In between there were a few unmentionables but I never got mad. In the past I would get angry with myself but when I made a bad shot today I just laughed. I did make many bad shoots today but my spirit remained high throughout. I am an incredible fortunate person to be able to play golf so soon after being released from prison. This time last month I was wondering what life was like on the outside and now I know that it is wonderful.
I didn’t score very well but this was to be expected. My boss has gotten a great deal better in the time I had been “away” He does have a very impressive attitude and spending five hours (yes, even the five hour round did not deter my spirit!) with him was great. I don’t know what the future lies for this position of mine but I do hope the company makes it. Potentially, this could be the best job of my life. I am working for an amazing person who is so kind and generous. There are some challenges and hopefully we can address in the near future. However; for today every thing continues to work out for the very best.