It appears I have much difficulty running three consecutive days. I did my best to stick to the training schedule trying to overcome the day I skipped early in the week. I did very well the first two days but yesterday after completing just three miles I could tell I wasn’t going to make the scheduled 14 mile run. I gutted it out for one more mile completing four miles but my legs felt like lead weights.
I thought I would be better served riding the cycle for the next hour instead of running with legs that seemed to weigh 200 pounds a piece. The cycle did the trick in getting all of the lactic acid out of my legs and at the end of the hour I felt great. I felt so good I was considering running another four miles but thought I got enough aerobic conditioning for the day. I was right because there was no need to kill myself so early in the training regime as I still have 8 weeks until the marathon.
I was surprised how badly my legs felt when I first started running and I was even running at a much slower pace then the two previous days. I am getting older and I am not 30 anymore, heck I am not 40 anymore!!! Three consecutive days of running does take its toll on me and I intend to avoid this in the next 8 weeks.
The key to training for a marathon is the long runs which are usually performed on the weekend. Yesterday was my long run for the week but I fell woefully short; however; we I added up my mileage for the week I wasn’t as shy as I first thought since I put in more miles the other days of running. I still have to concentrate on these long runs and do need a break of one day before embarking on the long run. All was not lost because at least I received the required aerobic training for the day.
There is a huge difference between aerobic training and marathon running training. A good example of this is exhibited in the fittest person on the planet; Lance Armstrong. Over a year ago the incredible cyclists completed his first 26.2 mile marathon by completing the New York City Marathon and his quote was, “that was the hardest thing I have ever done”. This is coming for the world renowned cyclist who won the Tour de France six times in a row and oh by the way cancer survivor. This statement gives new meaning for marathon runners.
I can attest to the difficulty having completed four out of five marathons entered. It really isn’t so much the aerobic conditioning but the constant pounding on the legs. This was evident to me yesterday when I took my first step. However; upon cycling my legs felt so much better. I do believe cycling maybe a much better exercise because it is non-impact conditioning whereas running is constant impact conditioning. Anyhow; I know my limitations and I will adhere to those limitations.
I had all of yesterday afternoon to myself so I decided to come into the office and catch-up on some work and personal work. I had promised a friend I would redo their resume and I finally finished it yesterday. I also had a great conversation with my wife and once again I reiterated how much I miss her. This really doesn’t help matters because there is nothing we can do about it other then wait three months (it is actually now less then three months, yay!!) until we are reunited.
This is the toughest adjustment; in fact this is the only adjustment from being in prison. Of course I missed my wife while I was in prison but it seemed very different now that I am out in the free world without my family. Yes, it is only temporary and the time will pass soon enough so I will stop dwelling on it!! One last item on this subject and I will drop it; I love my family so much and can’t wait for their return.
I didn’t have far to go for the Sunday night GA meeting as it is held down the hall from my office. I have always had a fondness for the Sunday night meeting probably because the therapy section is held under candlelight which sets a great mood. Last night’s meeting was very good because there was a brand new member who brought the face of a very young person to the room. Our GA group doesn’t have many young people and overall GA is certainly lacking in this area. I know when I was much younger I wanted nothing to do with GA as I was afraid and thought I could “control” my gambling.
Well, this didn’t work out so well and hopefully one of the young people who walk in the meeting takes something with them that helps for a lifetime. I did focus my therapy on the new member and who knows maybe something hit home. This is so difficult because any program of recovery will NOT work if the person is unwilling to help themselves. I know it took me 20 plus years of insanity before I was willing to admit defeat; however; I am eternally grateful for this program of recovery.
This morning was a scheduled day off from working out as my legs needed the day to rest. I also needed to do some laundry this morning so I took my time in getting to work. I got the laundry completed and headed off to start the work week. This morning I was very productive and the morning went by very quickly. The work week was off to a good start.