Thursday, June 01, 2006

Court Yesterday

I wanted to write more about the court session yesterday but I was a little tired so I decided to save it for today's posting. As my wife and I sat in court yesterday morning for 2 and 1/2 hours waiting for my case to be heard we witnessed some other sentencing cases. In the morning we heard a sentencing case regarding a young man who brandishes a weapon (.357 magnum), assaulted another person and was found selling heroine. This person received a sentence of probation and must check themselves into a drug rehabilitation center. Yes, this sentenced was rendered from the same judge I have been appearing in front of for over the past year. I don't know the particulars of this case but it makes comparing cases very difficult.

In the afternoon before my restitution hearing started we heard a very difficult case involving another young man who served in the Marines. This young man was behind the wheel while intoxicated and killed another man. We heard the heartfelt pleas for the deceased man's family and I really felt their loss. It was very difficult hearing the family members as they described the man and the pain that they were going through. We heard four family members speak and each one had tremendous sorrow in their voice. Then it was the Judge's turn to speak and he also expressed his regrets for the loss and then he turned to the defendant. He spoke of the defendant's exemplary military record and how the defendant must also live with the fact that he had taken the life of another human being.

As the Judge spoke he also expressed that his hands were tied because he has very little latitude the law gives him. This was the man's first offense of any kind, he didn't have any other DUIs or other infractions so the Judge sentenced him to probation. One of the terms of probation the Judge went over for all to hear. It included having this young man attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as a condition of his probation. What I found very interesting when the Judge said he was giving the man until April of 2008 to complete these meetings.

Now as most of you all know I am a compulsive gambler in recovery for the past year and three months. I am a HUGE proponent of the Gamblers Anonymous Program. The Gamblers Anonymous Program was designed from Alcoholics Anonymous and many of the 12 Steps are identical as well as the principles of each Program. The one main principle of both GA and AA is once a compulsive gambler always a compulsive gambler just as an alcoholic is always an alcoholic. However; participating and embracing both Programs can help arrest each of these illnesses.

Notice I wrote ARREST this is not a CURE. I believe no real compulsive gambler can be cured such as myself. This would mean the former compulsive gambler could partake in "normal" gambling again. I shutter to think what would happen if I ventured down this road. A "normal" trip to Atlantic City when I was in college lead to six years of madness. A "normal" bet placed on the internet led to seven years of complete and utter madness. So for me I rather stay away rather than tempt faith.

Now the Judge was giving this man 2 years to complete his AA Program. Hopefully, when this man enters AA he does realize it is a lifelong recovery process and continues his Program one day at a time for a lifetime. Otherwise; if a true alcoholic is like a true compulsive gambler such as myself they cannot have even one small drink because as our GA Combo states; "sooner or later he or she (he in this case) falls back into the same old destructive pattern."

In all fairness to the Judge I don't believe the law allows him to sentence anyone to a 12 step Program for life; this would be very difficult to enforce over such a long period of time. However; we have some members in GA that were ordered into GA by Judges and some of these wonderful people have never left the Program. I will pray for this young man that he finds the help that he desires. I know I have finally the found the help I have desired all my life and it has saved my life. It will continue to save my life as I work the Program one day at a time for a lifetime.

Today I was given another bonus; I was able to attend my daughter's second grade class Patriotic Play. It was my daughter's class and two other second grade classes which consists of a total of 60 children. They did a great job singing and performing all the patriotic songs and significant events in our country. The teachers did a great job as well because the children followed their directions very well. I had the video camera glued on my daughter as she sang and performed with her classmates. The performance was only 30 minutes but the smile on my daughter's face lasted the 30 minutes and well into the night after the performance was over. I am so very happy I got this "bonus" time to experience another one of the blessings in my life.

I wanted to post this story; it is very interesting because people believe compulsive gamblers are always losers when they gamble. However; in this story the person is labeled a "high roller" which I believe is a bit of a misnomer. I am not taking anyone's inventory but I would venture to guess there is more to the gambling that this story does not cover and I would change the title of "high roller" to compulsive gambler.

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