Friday, June 09, 2006

Last Day of School 2006

It truly feels like yesterday that the children were starting their first day of school. I can't believe ten months have passed so quickly. I remember attending my son's pre-school orientation and here it is the last day of school. I didn't believe I would be able to see the end of their school years but I was fortunate enough to experience all of the fascinating events which unfolded.

Today I picked my son up for the last time at his pre-school. In a few months he will be starting kindergarten either in New Jersey or out here in California. I am not sure but I doubt if I will be able to attend his first day of kindergarten. I certainly do not know if I will be able to attend but with the way my case has been progressing (rather digressing) who really knows. I do know that I have been blessed to witness some great events with both my son and daughter. I am grateful for this time and I look forward to many more fantastic events in the future. No matter where I spend the next few years I do know that as long as I stay in recovery my children will be in my life.

After picking my son up from his pre-school we met my wife in my daughter's class for the last time this year. Her class was having an end of year celebration and it is so nice to see how much parent involvement there really is. There were many parents in attendance and my daughter's school as well as my son's school emphasize parent involvement. I am so happy to have been involved in both their classes it has helped me tremendously.

I know before I stopped gambling and was involved with work I wouldn't dream of volunteering in their classes because I was too busy. I wasn't too busy I was too self-absorbed. It is not about me it is about my family and the well being of my children. Who really cares if I missed a meeting or a few hours of work because I wanted to be a part of my children's lives; I don't believe anyone would care. In fact the only person stopping me from doing this while I was working and compulsive gambling was ME. At the very least this terrible situation has taught me to be grateful for what I have not what I think I have.

No longer do I take anything for granted and I know my family is the most important thing to me as well as my recovery. My recovery is integral to me being really with my family and I am thankful for finally learning so many things. I always thought of myself as a good father and husband but truth be told when I was in my compulsive gambling days I was neither. I was incapable of thinking about anyone but myself and I tried to cover this up with superficial overtures. Those superficial overtures are gone and I am happy to really experience the warmth and generosity of my family.

Yes, another school year has come to a close and they do seem to be getting faster and faster. However; this school was very important to me because I truly experienced the phenomenal growth of both my children. As I read my daughter's report card earlier this evening I was not shocked by the things the teacher wrote. The teacher was very complimentary to my daughter and wrote she is a role model for the other children and she is a great student. I am not shocked by this because I witnessed this first hand when I volunteered in her class. She is not only a great student but she is a great young lady. In a few short months she will be in the third grade my little girl is growing up so very fast.

Changing gears slightly I must send out a very big THANK YOU to a very dear friend of mine. This friend is an exemplary member in the Gamblers Anonymous Program and went above and beyond the call of duty today. This friend went above and beyond the call of duty in the GA Program because I made a mistake. This friend not only corrected the mistake but gave back so much that I am forever grateful. It may seem like a small gesture to other people but this small gesture tells me I made the right choice when I entered the GA Meeting Room some 466 days ago. My friend was in that room on my very first day and we did not know each other at all but over the course of fifteen months we have become very good friends and today this friend did me a huge favor which I am forever grateful. Thank you so very much!!

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