Thursday, March 08, 2007

My Part Is Done

I had to return my “Oranges” back into Laundry since I completed the training. The next time I will be in the “oranges” will be at fire camp. On the way back from the dining hall, the alarm went off and we all had to lie down on our stomachs as two inmates were fighting across the yard. I’m not sure if I can constitute what they were doing as fighting because as I looked across the yard, it appeared each of them were running away while shadow boxing. Neither one was close enough to the other to connect with a punch. It was like watching a poorly choreographed boxing match where the participants are prohibited from throwing a real punch. The CO’s were running to where this poor dance was going on. One of the participants was taken down with a baton to his leg and the other just gave up. They were both handcuffed and taken to the “hole.” I was somewhat impressed that someone noticed this pseudo fight because it looked more like horseplay than anything else. In fact, the regular CO commented that he was too busy laughing at these two that he didn’t do anything to break it up. The yard was only closed down for 10 minutes until the proper paperwork was filled out.

Back inside the dorm, I stayed on my bunk writing and reading all night long. Prior to going to dinner, I wrote to the coach and also the Trainer for the Facilitator Class that I took in January. I am doing everything in my power now that my part is over since I have fulfilled all the requirements for fire camp. There isn’t much more I can do and now I am relying on others to expedite the process. There’s no guarantee that I will get to the fire camp of my choice but after 6 months I will be eligible for what is called a “good guy” transfer to a fire camp of my choice. For now it is sit and wait; time will provide the answers.

I fell asleep after 10:00 pm because I was reading THE BRETHREN by John Grisham. I had a decent night’s sleep only waking up once. I dreamt which I always find a good sign. It wasn’t particularly a good dream since it involved people I used to work with and unfortunately due to my crimes I did wrong to many of these people. The dream had to do with these wrong-doings but some of the people actually supported me while others did not. At least my sub-conscious is processing these things and I can reach a deep enough sleep to dream.

After breakfast a former Instructor went to see the coach about a transfer and was kind enough to mention my name. The coach just needed some particulars such as name, prison number, ethnicity, FTP class and which fire camp. He would make the telephone call and recommend us to the fire camp. Based on the last 3 instructors, it took a month which would be fine with me. However, as of right now, there are other inmates who have completed the FTP class and are of the same race as me who have been waiting three months.

As the morning yard opened, I had two things I needed to do which involved the two coaches. I dropped off my information sheet and also put one in the inter-office mail leaving nothing to chance. The second thing I had to do was see the new coach and give him a similar sheet so I can be reassigned as an Instructor. He did inform me that he is bringing me back as an Instructor with the possibility of starting tomorrow. Life continues to amaze me as to how things work out. Prior to switching of the coaches, the old coach told me he wouldn’t take me back as an instructor because he thought I would be transferred to fire camp quickly and he wanted to give other inmates who wanted to be an Instructor a chance to do so. I certainly hope the old coach is correct about the swift transfer but now with the new coach, I have the best of both worlds. I am able to get my old job back and even if I’m here another month, at least I will keep the same routine. Life and this journey does work out for the best.

Once again it was a beautiful day and it appears we are headed for an early summer. The temperature was in the low 70’s and in the next few days it is supposed to be in the low 80’s. It’s hard to believe that it just snowed last week.