Monday, March 12, 2007

Officially Back

It was an absolutely gorgeous afternoon yesterday. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, no wind, and the temperature was in the upper 70’s. As soon as I walked outside into the yard I was embraced with the warmth of the sun. Normally, this type of weather would invigorate me and want me to exercise even more. However, yesterday, it had the opposite effect and all I wanted to do was enjoy the bright sunshine. I had an early telephone call scheduled at 1:15 so I could call my wife and children.

The phones were working and I was able to speak with her and children. They sounded as if they were enjoying a leisurely Sunday afternoon watching a movie. Both my children sounded very well and I missed spending the leisurely Sunday afternoon with them so very much. As I said good-bye to my son, I told him that I missed him. Then he said in his oh so cute voice, “I miss you MORE!” I had to laugh when I heard this since it was so adorable. I’m not sure if my son could possibly miss me more than I miss him, but it was wonderful to hear him say that. He is quite the character and what I wouldn’t give to be with him and the rest of the family right this minute. I realized this isn’t possible at this time, but within one year I will be with them.

There was another moment that I was thinking about my son yesterday prior to the telephone call. The new movie “Cars’ came on the prison movie channel. I saw it in the movies with my son and all I could think about was how he sat on my lap for the entire movie. I couldn’t watch it on TV because I don’t like watching in this place and all I could think about was how happy my son and I were while sitting in the movies watching. It really is bittersweet since I have some wonderful memories and know everything is going to be great when I return. However, I need to stay focused on today which is really all I have in order to maintain my recovery. It is difficult but not impossible on days like yesterday when so many things remind me of my wonderful family. I try to maintain a positive attitude as best as I can. I made some changes to my quarterly package that my wife had not yet ordered. This was a good thing since I included some unnecessary items. My wife said she would be placing the order last night which could pose a little challenge especially if I get transferred to the fire camp prior to the arrival of the quarterly package. It will eventually find me and knowing how this system works, this would be a benefit since retrieving packages at the fire camp is easier. There are a little over 100 inmates whereas here there are over 4000 inmates. The retrieval at the camp should be more expeditious. Whatever the case I will have more of a food selection when the package arrives.

I hung up the phone and spotted my friend and we walked another lap before his telephone call. It was time for his call which was only 15 minutes after mine and unbelievably, the telephones weren’t working. They were all out of service. I did feel bad for my friend but I was happy to get mine in on time. Maybe my timing is getting better? When they finally did come on later, my friend was able to get his phone call placed. The yard was not at all crowded because of the lockdown of one of the races due to the fight the other day. I feel badly that the whole race has to be punished because of only a few inmates but those are the rules. I remember reading an article that in Los Angeles, the county decided to change the racism policy and a very nasty widespread riot broke out which lasted for weeks. The county was forced to go back to the old rules just to keep peace.

On the way from dinner, I heard more about the incident Friday and all I can say is I just don’t understand the thinking. I returned to the dorm to take a really hot shower. It seems the warmer it gets, the hotter the shower gets. This should make for a very long and hot summer; hopefully, I will be gone to camp by then. Instead of reading or writing, I organized my locker by going through the volumes of mail I have received. I filled up a laundry bag with all the wonderful mail I have received and I was able to store all my food in my locker. I had some food in a laundry bag underneath my bunk. Now I have all the mail stored in it instead. I need to send the mail to my wife because storage is becoming a problem. I have written the sergeant who is responsible for any bulk mailing and I am waiting for his response. I was amazed by the sheer volume of the letters and know I am a blessed person in so many ways. I then listened to my friend’s CD and went to sleep in order to start my first day back as an Instructor.

The early breakfast unlock was cancelled due to the follow-up of the TB testing. The testing is a 2 day process: first it is to prick and then 48 hours later the inspection of the redness arrives. Those inmates who have a mosquito like bump require further testing. Thankfully, as I write this there isn’t any bump or redness on my arm. I just received the “okay” from the nurse that I don’t have TB and yet another potential delay to fire camp has been diverted!