Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27th

There was no “fire meal” last evening so it was back to my rice and beans which I prefer over the carnivorous fire meals any day of the week. The allergy/sneezing/scratchy throat was still with me after dinner, but I didn’t want to take any medications. I waited for mail call and received my weekly letter from my dear sponsor. He continues to amaze me because without fail I receive a letter every week. My sponsor has a very full life and no matter what is going on, he always seems to find the time to write me which I am extremely grateful.


When I went to my room I asked my roommate if he had any allergy medication. He did and told me it made him drowsy which didn’t matter to me because I wanted something to make the sneezing stop. I took the medication and began to read VIRTUE AND REALITY by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. My friend – the one who helps me with the bathrooms – gave it to me. It’s a more in depth study of the teachings of Buddha. I wanted a better understanding of the Tao and some of the concepts which were written. This book does speak more in detail on some of those terms such as emptiness. I became drowsy from the medication and fell asleep.


After breakfast, I made a telephone call to a friend who is coming to visit me on November 17th. He is very unique because we met after my wrong doings. We have actually only met one time “face to face” – all our other conversations have been via the telephone. The last time we met was over two years, but we have kept in touch over this time. I was very happy to hear that he was coming to visit and I am looking forward to it very much! My friend did ask me what to bring and if I wanted anything special. These are the times where it would come in handy if I ate like most other people because my response would have been “just bring what you like.” Instead I hesitated and since we were running out of time on the telephone, I told him I would write to him. I don’t want anything special and the fact that I will see my friend is enough for me. However, the visits can get lengthy and my friend may get hungry so I need to write explaining my pickiness. The more I run into these situations, the more I know I am a pain in the ass when it comes to food. I will think of something and regardless of the food, it will be a very good visit.

It has been a strange few days ever since the winds subsided because as soon as they were gone so was the blue sky. The past few days, the smoke from all the wildfires certainly filled the air. However, the haze seemed to be gone and was replaced with a cloudy sky.

The Dreaded Telephone Block

After my hike, I tried to call my wife but was unsuccessful reaching her. The dreaded block was back on her telephone which meant I couldn’t get through. Yes, this is frustrating, but I no longer get upset because it happens seemingly for no good reason. The telephone calls all throughout this process have been a lesson in futility. The telephone company truly has a captive audience and is really fleecing the friends and families of inmates. The choice I have is quite simply either place the telephone or don’t place it. I usually only make one call a week due to the prohibitive cost and sometime like today, I don’t get through because that phone company has blocked my wife’s number due to a billing issue. I guess the phone company has gotten burned with people not paying their exorbitant bills which is why when the bill reaches a certain dollar amount the telephone number is blocked. My wife continues to deal with this and so does my mother.

As I was talking with my friend earlier today, he mentioned that “prison is not supposed to be comfortable” and there are reminders of this on a daily basis. I continue to make the best of what could have very well been a terrible situation. I am not going to get upset over the telephone issue. A great philosopher said, “It is what it is” and this is so right. The best part about today is that it will be the last Saturday I will ever have to spend in prison for the month of October and that is wonderful!