Saturday, December 30, 2006

Excellent Visit

With the test completed the only part of the work week left for me was the afternoon session of the PFT Plus after lunch yesterday. However, once I arrived at the basketball court, it became apparent that we were not going to do the class. The “store” is located 20 feet away and they were running what is called “Openline”. I went to the store last week and certainly stocked up on food. However, “Open-line” is for any inmate who has already shopped this month and still has a balance in their draw. I waited all afternoon for my name to be called and it did look promising about halfway through the afternoon but when the CO’s changed shifts it all fell apart. I was able to make my way to the pill call line with minimal wait to see if the protein drinks were available. Much to my shock, not only were they there, but the doctor updated my prescription to reflect two cans per day. It appears my “pill conspiracy theory” regarding the drinks was off base and it truly was an ordering issue of the Christmas Holiday season.

My entire evening was taken over by writing. I wrote until 10:30 pm and needed to go to sleep. This morning was a very big day because I was receiving my second visit. I was meeting with two very special friends who came a long way to visit me. I believe Lou Gehrig made the statement, “Today I am the luckiest man alive” on his retirement. Well when I think about my incredible family and friends, I think this everyday especially on days like today. I am not sure what I have done to deserve all these extraordinary people in my life, but whatever it is I am so grateful.

I woke up without hesitation this morning at 5:15 am. This would be a very different early morning for me because I needed to get ready for my visit. I shaved first thing this morning then jumped into the shower that was actually hot. I had all my clothes picked out last night. I was ready to go by 6:00 am but first it was time for breakfast.

The CO came into my room about 10:00 am and called my name for the visit. I made my way into the visiting room and instantly spotted my two very dear friends. We greeted each other with big hugs and it was great to see them. The last time I saw them I was sitting behind a glass partition in the county jail wearing an orange jumpsuit some five months ago. That was the lowest point of my journey and I will readily admit I did not look so good. Today I was so happy to give them hugs and the first thing my dear friend said to me was, “You look good.” I was certainly not offended in any way by this statement, in fact, it was great to hear!

After the very special greeting, we all sat down and I instantly noticed they had purchased a salad and a fruit drink for me from the vending machine. Everyone wants to feed me, but the food was the last thing on my mind but the last thing on my mind - I wanted to speak with my friends. They did insist on buying me more food and they did indeed feed me. They came armed with their “Baggy of Change.” They did purchase plenty of food for me which included peanuts, sunflower kernels, yogurt, orange – the first one I had in almost 6 months – and several Diet 7-Ups. It was a celebration of friends and it was an excellent visit. We talked for the next 4-½ hours which zoomed by. The conversation was incredible and even though I have only known them for two years, it was like we were old friends because we are. I owe the entire time spent with these two dear people to GA and my recovery. Without GA in my life I would have never experienced a day like today and I am blessed to know these two magnificent people.

My dear friends had arrived at 7:00 am to check in for our visit. Unfortunately, they were not one of the first groups let in at 9:00 am. They were allowed into the visiting room at 10:00 am where I met them a few minutes later. The conversation flowed freely and it is truly days like today which makes everything worthwhile. I have met some – make that many great people in the past two years and today I spent a fabulous 4 ½ hours with two of them. These dear friends came here for the sole purpose of visiting me and they made my day. Heck, they made my year! During our conversation, we laughed and at some points I felt tears forming in my eyes. These were not tears of sadness but of happiness. As I write this, I get goose bumps thinking about the visit. These very great friends gave me a very special gift today by coming to visit and I do love them very much. Something good – make that something excellent - is coming from my situation and I continue to discover it everyday. Life is truly wonderful and my life is surrounded with nothing but love. I will make it through this and be the person I am destined to be.

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