Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Be Careful

This first and second paragraphs contain some sensitive information so if you are a bit squeamish or easily rattled please skip to the third paragraph. You have been warned! Why is it when your child throws up there is no sympathy throw up for the mother or father. Now I am speaking from my own experiences so your experiences may differ but I have been around other people and children who have thrown up and I instantly get the "sympathy" throw-up syndrome but when my children throw up nothing happens to me. (I told you this was a vile subject matter, sorry!!)

After eating lunch today my son was complaining his stomach hurt and this is not necessary the first time he has complained his stomach hurt after eating so I wasn't so sympathetic. I told him to go lay down on the couch and as he was going to the couch he got the throw up reflex (sorry for all these advance medical terms regarding regurgitate!). I instantly directed him to the bathroom and luckily the bathroom was only a few feet away. Sure enough once he got to the toilet he threw up three separate times and all I kept saying was; "you shouldn't have had that chocolate milk". (Does this make me a bad Dad because I was unsympathetic to my child who was throwing up??) Yes, chocolate milk was the only thing he threw up and there was lot of it. Again so sorry for the description but you were warned. I didn't get the slightest sympathy throw up and luckily he was able to contain everything in the bathroom. After he was done it was like it never happened (at least to my son) and all he kept saying was I want more chocolate milk. Oh to have a stomach like a four year old boy!! He bounced back so fast he was hungry five minutes later. Sorry but I had to share the story!!

I still do not know what has been filed on my case because with this being the information age sometimes the information takes longer to decipher than it does to discover. I am not sure this makes sense but I don't know what it is nor does my attorney. No need to get worked up over it because I have taken the advice of my mother; "hope for the best but expect the worst".

Okay who really skipped the first and second paragraphs??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sensitive and Squeemish~ Of course due to human nature and just plain nosiness we had to read!
- Only a liquid regurgitation -
He was a perfect little man who made it through to the bathroom!
His stomach is coated with "steel". Bounced right back to resiliency and had that 4th glass of chocolate milk!! I