Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Blessings Continue

The blessings that have been bestowed upon me in these past 13 months continue. I am a blessed person to have some very incredible people in my life. I am blessed with an amazing support network starting with my family and extending out to my old and new friends. Today those blessings continue with two very special people. One person I have written about before and today I had the privilege of having a wonderful lunch with this person.

I would not have met this person if I didn't embrace my recovery. Thirteen months ago I made a decision to get help with my compulsive gambling addiction and this has proved to be one of my best decisions I have ever made. This afternoon I took a 100 mile drive to meet this person for lunch and as we talked I thought how good my life really is. I know there are some pretty terrible things in the not too distant future but what I have gained in these past 13 months cannot be taken away from me with any decision the judge renders. I will have all of these blessings in my life for a lifetime. Also I continue to learn and embrace life as each day passes.

After the extraordinary lunch meeting I had the honor and privilege of meeting one of the experts in the field of compulsive gambling research. I spent an hour at the University of California at Los Angeles better known as UCLA speaking with this phenomenal young man. I was literally blown away by this man's intellect and personality. If someone could have the total package of brains and personality this man certainly had it. I had heard some very good things about this man but my meeting him superseded all expectations I may have had. Yet another blessing in my life.

I know our session was only for an hour but I felt so comfortable with this person I could have stayed all afternoon. I presented my situation to him via the shortened version because our time was limited but as I explained my situation I felt this man instantly understood what I was saying. I felt very comfortable and at ease. It was a very different experience from the one I had a few weeks ago via a telephone meeting with another renown expert in the field of compulsive gambling. Today I did not feel inferior and I did not feel superior I felt very calm and serene.

My life has always been blessed I just didn't realize it. I have met some very memorable people in my life but today's meeting will be with me for a very long time. In fact I would be hard pressed to ever forget today's meeting.

As I embarked for the return 100 mile drive in rush hour I couldn't help but to reflect how life is really working itself out. Actually that wouldn't be a fair statement. The reason why life is working itself out is because I am finally doing something about my compulsively gambling addiction and yes, it has been a long time coming. However; some where some how it was meant to be this way. If it didn't work out this way I wouldn't have had these tremendous experiences I have had in these past 13 months. I am a forever grateful to be a compulsive gambler in recovery.

"In recovery" is the key to my existence; as long as I stay in recovery and keep doing the positive things I have done life gets better each and every day. How are why it worked out this way is not important. The important fact is life is getting better because I now have the tools to continue to better myself. As long as I continue to better myself and have great people teach me the way life is a fantastic journey. I am very excited to see where this journey takes me.

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