Monday, March 20, 2006

What a Difference

This morning I had a tremendous conversation with my older sister. When I say "tremendous" I mean this in a very positive manner. Last year at this time I know my sister and I had a very difficult time. However; one year later and having committed whole-heartily to my recovery we were able to have an extremely productive conversation about how I will break the news of my pending departure to my daughter. My sister had some great insights and gave me some very good ideas. I am truly blessed to have this remarkable person in my life.

What a difference one year and committing to my recovery has made to my growth. I know the years will go by and as someone wrote "time heals all wounds" but if I were not committed to my recovery program I know I would not have been able to have this conversation with my sister this morning. People do make mistakes and I have certainly made my share; however; the true measure of me as a person will be determined by what I do to correct these mistakes and how I face this adversity. One year later I really like the progress I have made.

I have learned some very powerful techniques through the Gamblers Anonymous Program and they have given me my life back. In getting my life back I am able to have have a great life. In this great life there is honesty, integrity, trust, willingness and nothing but positives. The lies are things of the past and hopefully this will be buried for the rest of my life. I know my gambling addiction will be with me for the rest of my life which is why I need to continue working on my recovery each and everyday.

I will recover from my compulsive gambling addiction as long as I stay in recovery. This may seem difficult to understand for some people but I must continue to work the Program and commit to my Higher Power each and every day in order for my recovery to be a success. I have met so many successful people in the Gamblers Anonymous Program and the only way they have become successful is applying the Program to their daily affairs. Each and every day I try to apply the principles of the Program in my daily affairs in order to have a normal productive life.

I wrote about a positive newspaper article which was being developed in regards to my situation. Today I read a proof of this article which was very written. I know some members of my family may have a hard time reading the article because it will bring up all wounds but unfortunately that is the story of my compulsive gambling. The positive aspect of the story is what I have been doing with this past year and how I have turned a very negative situation into a positive.

The story outlines my struggles with compulsive gambling and focuses on the positive aspects of my recovery. It informs anyone with a gambling problem that they are not alone and there is help available. I know many people don't seek help because of the shame and embarrassment but there is no need to be shamed or embarrassed. This is an insidious addiction and can strike anyone from the dock worker to the Judge and anyone else with a pulse. This addiction does not discriminate against anyone and with the proliferation of gambling will continue to effect more and more people.

Help is available but the help can only work if the person commits to getting better. For so many years I didn't know how to commit to the Program and struggled with willpower alone to battle my compulsive gambling addiction. I know willpower is ineffective in my battle and I know re-enforcement. I have found re-enforcement in the the Gamblers Anonymous Program and my Higher Power. With all of these positive aspects in my life I am no longer alone and I can continue to get better each and every day.

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