Friday, August 03, 2007

Another Work Week Down

The fire call on Monday seems to have accelerated the pace of this week because here it is Friday already. The rhythm of the routine seems to be in full swing. It has now been almost two weeks since my family departed from their visit and those 2 weeks have gone by very quickly. I know everything centers around my attitude and with a positive one day in and day out my life is certainly wonderful. Earlier on I dreaded these grade projects and now I look forward to them. Someone was talking to me about coming in camp (which means I would have an in camp job and would no longer be on a fire crew) to work as a porter. I was thinking about this a month ago but ever since I changed my attitude coming in camp does not appeal to me at this time. It does have its advantages such as always being in camp so I wouldn’t have to worry about being here when my mother and sister come to visit in September. Also, I wouldn’t have to worry about when my dear friends come to visit me on the weekends because with in camp position I will always be available for the visits. The disadvantage is the same as the advantage; I could be in camp all the time. I do like getting outside on a daily basis as it breaks up the day. I know I can make either position work because ultimately it is my attitude which determines how I face my lot. The other advantage is I enjoy my crew members; we have a great bunch of guys. Around December of this year a few guys start to parole and I may reconsider coming in camp then. For now, I am enjoying what I am doing.

Today was essentially the same as it was yesterday as we returned to the mountain community to cut the trees and brush. After working outside this afternoon, it was back to camp and somehow a discussion about theology, religion, secret societies, and conspiracies. This was a very enlightening discussion for me because there were certain things I have never understood and after the discussion, I was starting to understand. When it comes to religion I have more questions than answers which has always been the case. I still and will most likely always have more questions then answers when it comes to religion, but I am opening my eyes to a whole new world. There are some very intelligent in this camp and their knowledge base is much deeper than mine. All during the discussion I listened intently and discovered I don’t have strong opinions on religion either way. I know there is much to be discovered but for the time being I am content with my questions. I do believe there is something greater than me and I also believe this is everywhere and in everyone. The discussion lasted until dinner then resumed after. I most certainly learned many things and I am very grateful for the opportunity.

I finished THE SECRET which I found to be fascinating. The movie has got to be very good because the book which was very good. THE SECRET is the law of attraction which means like attracts like or simply stated what one puts out is exactly what one gets back. I have written about this book before knowing only the concept and my attitude and mindset have changed. The key to THE SECRET is a three step process; ask, believe, and receive. In the past I did maintain a positive attitude but I always seemed to have qualifiers such as “hopefully” and “I will.” This sends out mixed signals and I would get back mixed results. These words have been replaced with “I am.” THE SECRET and POWER OF INTENTION have had a profound effect on my life. The items in each book have been circling around me ever since I was born. I just had no idea how to harness them. Now through these two books, I am harnessing these things and my life continues to be wonderful.

I almost forgot to mention the news of the day. As I was waiting to go to breakfast, one of the members from my crew came up to me and said, “You started a trend.” He went on to explain how an employed of a local casino (not the one I worked in) went into the vault and walked out of the casino with between 2 and 6 million dollars. Apparently an employee who worked in the surveillance department walked into the vault and walked out of the casino with this money. He was met by an accomplice who picked him up and drove off. The police have arrested the accomplice who was found with $500,000. in cash but they still haven’t located the person who stole the money. Having worked in casinos for over 12 years, I have a good idea as to how the inner workings mesh together. This employee must have discovered a weakness in the system and exploited this to his gain. This is a crime of circumstance as a good friend has stated to me. In its bare essence, this is thievery and much like me this person is now a thief. There very well could be more to this story then meets the eye, and my guess is he will be caught at sometime.

I can say from experience that if one person could indeed do this then this particular casino has many problems. Vaults inside casinos are much like bank vaults and in some instances, the security and surveillance is so much more. I am interested in reading this story as it plays out. Now – according to my crew members – I have been dropped from my perch as the employee who stole from the casino. This is certainly a good thing!