Saturday, August 04, 2007

Writing, Writing, Writing

My friend who is the food clerk and the one responsible for the very tasty vegetable marinara sauce acts like my grandmother. He is always wanting me to eat more and thinks I am not getting enough. The ironic thing is he has very similar eating habits to me where he doesn’t eat sweets or fried foods. Before coming into prison he was fanatical about his eating but being in prison the food/calorie options are limited so he isn’t quite as fanatical as I am. Anyhow he is always wanting me to eat more and at breakfast this is very difficult since eggs are served 5 days a week. I cannot bring myself to eat them under any circumstances so (again) ironically I give him my eggs. I succumbed to peer pressure and had 5 waffles and 2 bowls of oatmeal which made my friend very happy and he stopped badgering. My food horizons have expanded into bad things such as cookies and other sweets. I have stated this before but the food I consume is all based on how I feel after eating it and lately I have felt fine after eating an Oreo cookie (I cannot remember the last time I had one of these) so I won’t die from eating these foods. I am quite happy with my diet and I do have plans to expand my diet after my release. This expansion does not include eating more Oreos or cakes but does include chicken and turkey. Once again it all depends how I feel after eating these foods. I am fine when I eat fish so chicken and turkey should not be very different. Long story even longer, I had a lot of food for breakfast.

I didn’t have any visits today as my very treasured friends are coming tomorrow. It is amazing how I have not gone one weekend without having a visit. Saturdays are my day to write and write some more. Since the evenings during the week are so short I leave the majority of my writing for the weekend. I composed 4 letters to 4 very dear friends. The friendships in my life know no bounds or limits. These letters went as far away as Canada, Colorado, and here in California. There are days when I can write forever and today was one of these days. This is so therapeutic in so many ways and helps me get in touch with my feelings. Also, as I write it becomes a stream of consciousness. There are times where things come out of me that I cannot explain. I don’t know how they got there but they did. Today was one of those days. I have come up with my intention for when I am released. This is something that I have thought about for a very long time. In fact I have written about it before. I am keeping this to myself right now but many of you already know. I feel good about this and this is who I am. The key for me is to find something that makes me happy and helps others. I am very excited and this plan will work out the way it is intended to be. As I was writing this thought jumped into my head and I have asked – and I do believe and I will receive all that is intended.

In addition to being a day of writing, Saturday is the day I call my wife. She is without the children as they are living it up in Jamaica with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. My wife is visiting with her sister and had a girl’s night out last night. I had a very good conversation with her today and she had spoken to 2 long friends yesterday. I had asked her to call them when she was out here to let them know my whereabouts. According to my wife, “I had spoken to 2 of the nicest guys yesterday.” She had a wonderful conversation with both of them. I was so happy she was able to talk with these people. There are some other loose ends my wife has to tie up such as the 401K issue which remains in limbo. The connection on the telephone wasn’t the greatest which does seem to irritate me. I have got to get over this because it is something out of my control. We didn’t have a chance to say our good-byes or “I love you” but it is always great to speak with my wife. She is a wonderful person and nothing but good surrounds her as well. I will call my wife next Saturday and have a chance to speak with my children about Jamaica.

I finally finished writing and started reading “Armageddon”. I want to finish this as soon as possible so I can start the latest Harry Potter book. There is an inmate who knows how the book ends and supposedly has a habit of spilling the beans. I am keeping away from any discussion regarding Harry Potter because I don’t want it spoiled. There was a review in the local paper with bold print written across the review were the words “SPOILER ALERT” Needless to say I didn’t read the review and want no hint of any spoilers as I read it. Today was yet another great day and the simplest things such as writing, talking on the telephone, and reading mean the world to me. Once again the day passed quickly.