Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New Month

I have become a huge fan of the calendar and enjoy it when a page is turned. Today, the calendar has turned the page into another new month. Yes, I do live one day at a time, but in this environment when a full month passes, it does have advantages. Here it is the first of August with only five months remaining in 2007. I cannot wish away this year; although, there are times I would certainly like to do this. I can only learn each day as it passes. I do learn, and I am grateful for this time to get my life back together. Every day is progressing exactly the way it should as a new month is upon me.

The early morning was essentially the same as it had been with one exception; I had company when I ran this morning. Another former PFT instructor was out running this morning, and he pushed me to go faster than I normally do. This was good because it got me out of my comfort zone. I seem to run much like a car with a catalytic converter; meaning I can only go so fast. This other inmate did put in a burst of speed and passed me. I started to run faster, but I could only go so fast. I did catch up to him as he slowed down considerably, and I eventually lapped him a few times. I did welcome the challenge, and I do know I have a great deal of work to do before I am back in marathon shape. I do run for at least 90 minutes three days a week, which is good. I do want to complete two marathons when I get out next year. The two marathons are Los Angeles and New York. The Los Angeles Marathon is a few weeks after my release date in March, and the New York Marathon is the first Sunday in November. After completing these two marathons, I would like to run the Boston Marathon, which would be the end of my marathon running career. My goal in 2005 was these three marathons, but that goal was never achieved. I have been given a second chance, and I will accomplish this goal.

My crew did not return to the same place we were yesterday where we pruned the trees. Our bus needed service, so we were relegated to camp. We were assigned to the field down below the camp to assist with the septic system. We made our way down and waited for the pipe filters to arrive, but they never showed up. Our captain had to find something for us to do, so he took us on a hike. This hike was the same hike I took on Saturday with the exception of only going half way and then coming back. This was a free hike which meant we could go at our own pace. I found myself trailing the lead member for about half of the hike. Then youngest and most athletic member of the crew took the lead. He is half of my age and is a spectacular athlete. I trailed behind him most of the way, but somehow, he slowed down, and I actually got in front on him. I went into a steady jog, and I could hear him coming up from behind me, but suddenly, I didn’t hear him anymore. I got to the top of the hike first, which really surprised me. Not far behind was the extremely athletic member of the crew. He did try to catch me, but he dropped one of his blousers (these keep the bottoms of our pants from dragging on the ground) and had to go back to retrieve it. I am sure if he hadn’t dropped the blouser, he would have caught me. Anyhow, I had bragging rights (which I did not use) since I got to the tope of the hike first. We started on our way back down, and at first, it wasn’t a free hike as the captain was leading the way. About a quarter of the way into it, the captain allowed us to free hike. I well in the back of the line, and it took me a couple of minutes to get around the captain. I was nowhere near the front of the pack, and psychologically, I have a problem with hiking downhill. I need to work on this because I am always afraid of wiping out or turning an ankle. I am much too cautious going downhill. I have no problems with the flat and uphill parts. It is the downhill which gives me trouble. Anyhow, I finished in the middle of the pack, and it was strange because the guys who finished in the front of the pack are all the guys who smoke. This really doesn’t make much sense (or does it?) I did enjoy having a double session workout. I would like to do these crew hikes at least twice a week because it always does provide a challenge. Yes, it is a challenge, and it is also a crew builder as everyone seems to rise to the occasion. These are great guys, and everyone was smiling as we finished the hike.

After the hike, the captain found work for us as we dismantled a fence in the camp. This took the rest of the day. The good part about being in camp was the fact that we all went back to our rooms for lunch. I was able to read “The Secret” while eating my PB sandwich. “The Secret” is also a movie. I believe the movie came before the book, and I look forward to seeing the movie. The Secret is very much like The Power of Intention but much simpler. This is not saying that The Power of Intention is complex. I am just saying The Secret is simpler. The Secret is based on the law of attraction, which means like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you also attract like thoughts. The power in The Secret is to keep everything positive which is based on love. I have only read a few chapters, but I am enjoying what I have read. I firmly believe in this premise as I do in The Power of Intention. In fact, the word “intention” is utilized all throughout The Secret. The Secret has worked already in my life and will continue to work now that I truly understand. I enjoyed reading but did take time during lunch to place a telephone call to my wife. I wanted to ensure our children got off okay on their trip to Jamaica, and they did. I also received good news from my wife as she got a job offer from a local attorney, and the hours are perfect as they do not conflict with the children’s school schedule. I could sense the relief in my wife’s voice. She will be using the time the kids are in Jamaica for herself, which she certainly deserves. It was a great telephone call, and as always is the case, I loved speaking with my wife.

The rest of the day was uneventful with the exception of the posting of payroll for the month of July. We get paid once a month, and the payroll is posted on the first of the month (today). I earned $174, of which 55% will be used as restitution, and most of my crew member earned twice this amount since they were on the eight-day fire campaign while I was on my visit with my family. I would never trade the amount of money when I could spend time with my family. I was happy for my crew mates, and everyone was in a good mood. It was a good day and a good start to a new month.