Monday, April 03, 2006

Human Needs

The children are on their Spring Break which started today. This means they are off from school for the next two weeks. In years gone by my wife would either take the children back East to visit family or someone would come out to visit. This year is a bit different as my wife is not taking the children back East nor is anyone coming to visit during these next two weeks. My extraordinary family saved the visit for the week after Spring Break so they could join me and my family for my sentencing.

These next two weeks will be sent with my children and I will enjoy every moment of it. Today I took both my son and daughter to the park where we played baseball and soccer. I must say my son is a little athlete. He definitely takes after my wife's side of the family because no one including me on my side of the family is remotely close to an athlete of any type. As I pitched to my son he connected on many more than he missed and when he connected he hit the ball fairly far for a five year old. If he continues on this path he is going to be quite the little athlete.

My daughter on the other hand is a good athlete but doesn't posses the physical skills of her brother. My daughter is petite where my son is solid. My daughter; however; is EXTREMELY competitive especially when it comes to her little brother. She did not like the fact of her little brother connecting on more pitches than she. My daughter has more of a competitive streak in her than my son. I am not sure if this is good or bad only time will tell how she uses this competitiveness. It was a great afternoon spending quality time with my children. Life goes too fast so I better enjoy every moment which I fully intend to.

As I read the "A Day at a Time" reflection book from the Gamblers Anonymous Program I came across a passage from last week. The passage was about human needs. Dr. Robert Custer the pioneer in the treatment of compulsive gambling, believed everyone has four basic needs, affection, approval, recognition and self-confidence. He also believes when these needs are not met people feel inadequate and overwhelmed by life. He also went on to state that gambling may for a time appear to fill these needs for certain people.

If I really think about those four human needs there are many forms of gambling that can falsely fulfill all of them. I say falsely because the innate nature of gambling gives people or more precisely me a false sense of security which was based on a fantasy. The principles in the Gamblers Anonymous Program fulfill all of these human needs and are based on a reality. Also; following these principles in the GA Program will not lead to prison, insanity or death. These principles lead to a normal happy positive way of life which continues to get better and better each and everyday.

The basic human needs are fulfilled each and everyday I work the GA Program and I do not need a fantasy life anymore. This reality is better than any other fantasy because it has taught me who I really am. As long as I practice these principles in my daily affairs this reality continues to grow with each moment. Today I had some great moments with my children who also fulfill these human needs each and every day. Life is great and I am so very happy to call myself a compulsive gambler in recovery.

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