Saturday, April 01, 2006

Simply Amazing

Yesterday I had the privilege of interviewing with one of the leaders in the alcohol and drug recovery industry. In fact; from what I witnessed yesterday the Las Vegas Recovery Center will become the leader in the recovery industry. Each person I met was dedicated and committed to a common goal which was helping other people. Each member of the senior staff was in recovery and fully understands what is needed to recover from any addiction. When they spoke with me I instantly understood what they were talking about and firmly believe the key to my own recovery lies in this concept as well.

This concept they were preaching all day yesterday is very simple and I have been learning about it in the past 397 days. It is called the 12 Steps of Recovery and can be applied to any and most likely all addictions. There appeared to be no coddling or beating around the bush. The key to recovery lies in embracing and practicing these 12 steps each and every day.

Abstinence is one thing but recovery is the key to a happy and healthy life. This recovery center was focused in making sure their clients understand what is needed to recover from their addiction. It was an amazing interview from the owner to the senior staff to the staff. Each person shared a single vision which was helping other people through a very basic concept. They did not preach about a magic pill or abstract concepts. These were real down to earth people who are recovering themselves and understand what has helped them recover.

I was honored to be given the opportunity to meet with these people. I do know there are many hurdles I need to overcome to be employed with this company but I was excited to hear what I heard yesterday. I had to recite my story a few times yesterday but after the second sentence I felt a genuine connection with each person I spoke with. Even though my addiction may have been to something different it was an addiction none the less. I can empathize with each person who is recovering from their addiction and I felt this same empathy towards me.

They knew my story before I got their; they new I was a trained accountant with a compulsive gambling disorder who stole in order to get my fix. They are located in Las Vegas which isn't an easy thing for any compulsive gambler. However; they invited me to interview with them for the day. This speaks volumes as to what type of organization this is and the values they share.

They told me an addict is an addict no matter the addiction. But an addict in recovery no longer functions as an addict because their addiction has been arrested and can be arrested for a lifetime. The only way for the addict to arrest their addiction and lead a normal happy life is to give up their addiction to a Higher Power and live one day at a time. In addition to these very instrumental steps are the 12 Steps of Recovery. If the 12 Steps of Recovery are followed each and everyday the addict is no longer an addict but is in recovery. Recovery is not an impossibility it is a very real possibility as long as this road map is followed.

They must have seen something in my recovery to invite me out for the day. Each person I met with I was so very impressed and would like to be a part of this family. Yes, I believe it is a family as opposed to a place to work because as I met each person I noticed the hugs and genuine affection that were given. This is not a normal practice in a place of business but it is a normal practice in the place of recovery.

Someone asked me "Why I would even go for the interview because I AM going to jail in three weeks" and they went on to ask if I were still in DENIAL. At first I was a bit offended by this statement but the more I think about it the more it make sense from this person's viewpoint. Yes, I will be going to jail in a few weeks so why don't I just sit back and wait for the sentence. I maybe in denial because I don't want to go to prison and I believe I have done everything in my power these past 13 months to get myself on the road to recovery. Whether or not the court takes this into account; I have no idea but I do know I have made some great strides and continue to make strides in my recovery. Yesterday's interview was one of those strides. I fully disclosed my situation and they still invited me out for the visit which is simply amazing I could even interview for the position.

As I was driven back to the airport; I was asked some questions about a compensation package. I told this person I had no right to demand any salary because of the position I am in. I told them that whatever they thought was fair and equitable I would be happy with. This person seemed satisfied with my answer and told me he would put together a package and let me know after a few days.

I couldn't have asked for a better scenario. Here I have recovery center that wants to grow by leaps and bounds in the next five years which knows exactly my situation and they want to offer me a position. I am completely floored because my Higher Power has a definite plan and I am a blessed person. Once again it really is the power of the Program at work. Thirteen months ago I couldn't articulate any of what was said yesterday because I just did not understand my addiction. I am forever grateful to Gamblers Anonymous for showing me the way to salvation.

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