Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Love and Blessings

Where to start; these past two days have been filled with nothing but love and blessings. I have so much love in my life it truly is incredible. There are so many fantastic people who have been in my life for a long time and there are so many fantastic people who I have met in this past year that I am truly a blessed person. The love and blessings have surrounded me for a long time and I have finally taken notice of them in this past year. Over the course of the past few days I have been humbled by all of the affection that has been bestowed upon me.

People I have known for a short time have gone out of their way to wish me nothing but the best and these same people are taking time out of their day on Friday to show their support for me and my family. I will say it again and again I am one blessed person. All of these people have stood by me through this entire ordeal and have made me a much better person. These wonderful people have given me the courage, strength and hope to get through this ordeal with humility and dignity.

I know what I have done is wrong and I know I will be punished for those wrongs. But no matter what happens on Friday afternoon I know I have some wonderful people that will be in my life for the long haul and I love each and everyone of them.

The well wishes started a few days ago but really came to fruition at last night's Gamblers Anonymous Meeting. These are great people who have reached out to me in my time of need and I will be forever grateful for each one of them. The words were genuine and were filled with love and affection. I have received well wishes from so many people it is incredible.

I have met so many special people over the course of this last year and I am truly grateful for finally doing something about my compulsive gambling addiction. I received two emails from two very dear people over the past few days and I wanted to say thank you to each one of them. The first email was from my very dear friend Anne in Canada. Anne and I have become fast lifelong friends that share the same disease and the same consequences because of our disease.

Anne is so very special because she has been to what I like to refer to as the other side of the mountain and came through it with such dignity and grace. She has touched my life in so many ways and it is so nice to know there are people like her in this world who just want to help others. There is no ulterior motives just people reaching out to other people to hopefully help them solve their problem. Anne has reached out to me and she has showed me there is a big beautiful life after gambling and I thank her so much for being a part of my life.

The second email came from my mother who I will see tomorrow. She flew across country so she could be with me and my family on Friday and I am so blessed to have this extraordinary lady in my life. This email touched my heart in so many ways; my mom is a great soul and I love her so very much. I know it has been extremely hard on her this past year but I thank her for all that she has done for me and my family; she is a great person.

There are so many people I need to thank who have helped in so many different ways and they all have so much love I will feel this love no matter where I spend the next few years. I have had an extraordinary experience over this past year and this will not end on Friday this extraordinary experience will develop into an extraordinary life. I have so many exceptional people in my life that I am a blessed person.

My mother-in-law also flew across country today to be here for Friday and to support me and my family. This is another extraordinary person who has done so much for me and my family and I love her dearly. I thank her for all that she has done and will continue to do for me and my family.

I have received phone calls, emails and greetings from so many people and I thank all of you. I know there are many people who don't know what to say but the simple fact that I received the phone call, email or greeting is all that I need to know that they care. Life is an amazing adventure and my life is an amazing adventure filled with so much love and affection that I have been truly blessed by my Higher Power.

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