Friday, July 06, 2007


After my exercise workout and morning routine, I went to breakfast. As I entered the dining hall. I noticed the inmates getting a quarter piece of cantaloupe on their trays. When I saw this, I actually got excited. I have not had cantaloupe in over a year and I couldn’t wait to dig into my piece. I reached the end of the food service line and was given a slice. I sat down and promptly dug into it. It tasted very good and I was fortunate enough to receive an additional slice which I am saving for tomorrow. This may sound silly, but a simple slice of cantaloupe means so much to me. In the Power of INTENTION, the author writes about the need to maintain proper nutrition and staying away from certain foods. I do have a regiment diet, but sometimes the pickings are slim, not today because the piece of cantaloupe certainly hit the spot. I do enjoy fruits, especially summer fruits, and I must commend the kitchen staff for ordering the cantaloupe. Normally we receive apples on a daily basis so it was excellent to see the cantaloupe in place of the apples. This simple fruit made my day.

It has been stifling hot here and with all the clothes that I must wear, my intolerance of the heat begins at 112 degrees. The Power of Intention has had a profound effect on me because a short time ago I was having a difficult time with the outdoor tasks. Oddly during those time when my attitude was less than stellar, my weed trimmer would jam constantly. Today I was armed with a much better attitude and the weed trimmer worked perfectly up until the heat started to get to me. As soon as my attitude waned the weed trimmer jammed. Coincidence? I don’t think so. As I was fixing my weed trimmer and getting more water for the camelback – I must drink at least a gallon and a half of water – we got a fire call and just like that the weed whacking was over. It wasn’t exactly a fire call rather than a rescue call. Apparently, 3 sheriff deputies were overcome by heat and needed rescuing. We were supposed to cover one of the stations that responded to the call. Everyone on the crew was happy to get the call and we boarded the bus. The excitement was very high among my crew. As we were enroute, the Captain pulled over which usually signifies the call was cancelled and it was. Yes, another quack call which seems to happen more often than not. Instead of turning around, the Captain proceeded on the intended route. I certainly did not want to go back to week whacking in this heat. However, the back of the bus is stifling hot. There is an air-conditioner, but it doesn’t work very well. It stays on with the windows open and my legs were sweating more than they were when I was weed whacking!

The bus ride was very interesting because we came very close to where I used to live. We were 2 exits away but turned to head back to camp. I was very familiar with this area and I was amazed by all the construction. The California housing market is supposed to be in a slump, but I wouldn’t know this by looking at all the new housing tracts. I did notice that the house prices have stabilized and in certain instances have fallen. This is good news for me (not for those who presently own houses, sorry) because the prices are not out of this world. I know I have a long way to go before owning a home - such as I need to pay back so many people (which I will) but my wife and I will own a house within the next 3 years. The housing prices are headed in the right direction (for me) and home ownership will happen.
The bus ride was hot and uncomfortable but I got to view the outside world which is much better than most experiences I have had in the past year. I am incarcerated, but I do have a wonderful opportunity to go out into the community. I am viewing the community from the back of a bus, but I had a smile on the whole time. I am so fortunate how this journey continues to work out for the best. There wasn’t a fire nor a rescue mission which might have disappointed some of my fellow crew members, but it wasn’t a bad way to spend 2 hours while serving time.

For the first time in along time, I didn’t receive any mail. This does happen and it appears with the holiday on Wednesday, the mail delivery had slowed down. There were less than the usual amount of names on the mail list. I am so very fortunate to have so many caring friends and a magnificent family. Yesterday I received a letter from a very good friend. The letter contained only 8 words, but the amount of words didn’t matter, the fact that I laughed out loud after reading these words was what mattered most! I have thoughtful, caring, and loving people in my life and I am eternally grateful to everyone. Since I didn’t have to go outside for the mail call, I remained in the air conditioning and wrote. I did venture outside a little later than normal as I paused for some reflection. I thought about the fact that next week at this time, I will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of my family. Wow, it has been a long time and that first embrace is going to be incredible. I do have so much to be thankful for and it starts with my family and friends.