Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day 2007/25 Years

The rest of the crews came filing in late yesterday afternoon. The two crews who had been away on a fire for the last 10 days came back first. They came back with fire stories and lots of goodies. On fires, the firefighters/inmates are given more than enough food. The breakfasts, lunches, and dinners are plentiful as are the snacks. Each member came back with sacks and sacks of these goodies which consisted of candy bars, granola bars, cookies, smoothies, Gatorade, and other assorted snacks. It was as if Halloween exploded all over the camp. Most of the members gave many of their goodies away, so it was “treat or treat” (my friend’s words) for the members who did not go on the fires. I was fortunate enough to receive granola bars, apple juice, grape juice, and Pop Tarts. I haven’t seen so many inmates munching on various snacks since I arrived here six weeks ago. The camp had a certain excitement about it.

Last night after a fairly poor dinner (turkey burgers with roasted potatoes that were severely under cooked), there was a Christian service in the dining hall. Christian services are held on Tuesday and Sunday nights. Normally, I do not attend as I am defining my higher power. I am getting much closer to my higher power since reading The Power of INTENTION. My higher power is purely spiritual and is everywhere. However, last night there was a live band with the service. I thought it would be nice to listen to the music. The band consisted of four gentlemen, most in their 50’s, playing guitars, a bass, and drums. The music was very good and uplifting. I stayed for almost the entire service and had a smile on my face all night long.

I departed a few minutes early to talk with a few inmates who had returned from the fire. The fire stories were very good, and one story had the crew running down a steep slope away from the spreading fire into a safety zone. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and all it did was provide a good story. I spoke with a few inmates who returned, and each of them said it was very good. At first, the hiking and the work was hard, but the last few days everything was very easy. No one seemed stressed out, but they were all happy to sleep in their bunks as opposed to a sleeping bag on the ground.

I stayed out later than normal, but when I came inside, I was still able to read one chapter of The Power of Intention. I fell asleep a little after 10:00 p.m. and had the most restful sleep in a very long time. I stayed in bed all night long and slept through until the morning. Since today is a holiday (Happy Fourth of July), breakfast was later than normal as I stayed in bed a few minutes longer than usual. I did get up for the Wednesday morning run. These early-morning runs and exercises are a wonderful way for me to start the day, and today was no exception. I was equally as excited because today is a visiting day as well, and I was getting a visit from two of my dearest friends.

My run ended, and it was into the shower as well as off to breakfast. I ate much less than usual at breakfast as my dear friends always bring so much food. After breakfast, I went back to my room where I changed into my visiting “oranges.” I also waited patiently for my name to be called for the visit. Once again, visiting was delayed 20 minutes, but my name was announced for the visit. I was all ready and went into the office to sign out for the visit. Then I made my way down to the visiting area where I saw my dear friends. I was greeted by warm hugs and big smiles. These two people are so very dear to me, and I am so blessed they are in my life. We spent the next three hours talking and eating. I ate so much between the blue tortilla chips, peanuts, tuna fish sandwich , and mozzarella salad, I was beyond full. My friend is a wonderful cook, and she went out of her way to satisfy my peculiar taste buds. She most certainly more than satisfied my taste buds, and everything was out of this world. The best part of the visit was the conversation. These are positive, caring, loving, wonderful people. They always make my day when they visit, and today, I had a wonderful Fourth of July, all thanks to my dear friends.

The C/O working the visiting area today was the C/O who had given me a difficult time with my family visit. I’m not sure how this happened, but this C/O is so very nice to me and is always joking with me about being too skinny. He even made a comment to my friends as they checked in. I continue to be amazed as to how everything is working out so well. A few short weeks ago, I was afraid to talk with this C/O – now we are joking around. I did not know I was practicing The Power of Intention with this C/O, but by staying positive and by displaying a positive attitude at all times, more positive than negative has entered my life.

The visit with my dear friends was over as they were going over to their son’s house for a picnic this afternoon. We each hugged one another as they departed. We had some food left over (I couldn’t have possibly fit anymore in my stomach!) and made the C/O a sandwich along with the salad. The C/O was very appreciative and thanked us in a warm way. It was a wonderful way to conclude the visit. I waved goodbye to my friends with a huge smile on my face. I returned to my room where I would write for the remainder of the day.

Twenty-five (WOW!) years ago today, I first met someone who is so near and dear in my life. I went on a double-date with my high school friend and his girlfriend. My high school friend convinced me to go on the date with a girl I didn’t know. As it turns out, this was the BEST decision of my life. Life is so funny how it works. Twenty-five years ago my mom and sisters along with others attended the World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. I was scheduled to go with them, but the day before we were due to leave I went to my mother and asked to stay home. Strangely, my mother didn’t give me a hard time and let me stay home. My grandmother lived a few blocks away and she was to look in on me from time to time. I was 16 years old back then, and my mom thought I was mature enough to stay home by myself.

Everything does happen for a reason, and over the course of those next few days, my life was changed forever. My dad, who had moved out a few months earlier, had a company picnic on the Fourth of July, and I went with him along with my high school friend. I am still not sure why my high school friend went, but he did. At the picnic, my friend convinced me to go on the double-date. My father drove us back to my mom’s house, and my friend and I went on the double-date. I met a girl who 10 years later would become my wife. That first date was not exactly memorable in a good way. We got lost going to the pizza restaurant because I wanted to avoid a girl’s house I had been seeing. At the restaurant, my friend and I showed our immature side while playing with the salad and throwing around the olives. My wife’s cousin (my friend’s date) had to ask a complete stranger for 20 cents so my soon-to-be wife could call her mother. My friend and I didn’t have 20 cents after paying for the pizza. I did get a chance to walk my date home. I kissed her on the cheek as her father watched from the sidewalk.

Through a series of events, I met the person I would spend the rest of my life with 25 years ago today. We have obviously been through some ups and downs, but the majority of the past 25 years has been up. My wife is back at the same house where I left her some 25 years later. Of course, this is not where she nor I thought she would be; however, my wife is the light of my life, and I love her more and more each passing day. In 10 days from now, I will see her for the first time in over one year. I cannot wait to see her face and to give her a hug. She is an amazing person, and I am so happy I didn’t attend the 1982 World’s Fair because I would not have met her. Honey, I love you so very much and will see you very soon!

As I look back, I realize there are no coincidences in life, and it was meant to be. I was meant to be with my wife. The past two years have been anything but easy for her, especially as she provides normalcy for our children in a very abnormal situation. As strange as it sounds, I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I was headed for total destruction, and I would have lost everything. I have not only not lost everything, but I continue to gain more and more as each day passes. I am a better person today than I was yesterday, and I intend to do this every day. I have a long way to go, but in less than eight months, a new and wonderful life will commence as my wife and family will be with me every step of the way. My life is wonderful.