Monday, April 18, 2005


I know I am supposed to take life one day at a time; however; tomorrow I have a court appointment and it is very difficult not to look ahead. My mom has always said; "expect the worst but hope for the best". I am going to do exactly this because each of my previous court appearances have been horrible so why should this one be any different. Going to court makes me think of the pain I have caused my family through my destructive behavior. Having an addiction makes you do insane things and I did insane things. These insane things come with consequences and unfortunately others will suffer these consequences as well.

I have learned many things in the past month and half. I have learned that justice does not move swiftly. I have learned I have a WONDERFUL support network from my family to my friends to Gamblers Anonymous. In trying times you realize who your real friends are and I must point out two INCREDIBLE people. Not only did they help bail me out of prison they are here for my entire family. These folks are SAINTS. Also, to everyone thank you for their thoughts and prayers. I will get through this difficult time a much better person. I am a much better person now than I was 48 days ago. I love you all.

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