Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Good News?

I must put a disclaimer on this passage much like a stock broker puts a disclaimer on their particular investment advice; past performance is not indicative of future performance so please use the information wisely. I just had a thought, I have never seen this disclaimer in a racing form or sports betting advisor but it is plastered over any investment advice I have received, sorry about the digression. My attorney's other embezzlement client who was sentenced to one year and would have to serve 7 months if he exhibited good behavior was let out of prison yesterday with time served. He served exactly 32 days of his one year sentence and as long as he obeys his probation order he will not go back to prison. The prison officials kicked him out because the prison is overcrowded and they wanted to ensure the "violent" criminals would stay in prison. Now, remember this is not indicative of future performance so who knows what will happen to me but our cases are very similar and it gives me hope.

Hoping and wishing won't change anything in my situation. I have to exhibit good behavior and keep on doing the things I have done for the past four and half months. Hoping and wishing are nice but they are not reality. Reality is doing the right things each and every day. I know with the strength my family has given me I will be the person I am destined to be not the fantasy I turned into.

I won't be doing the interview with Al Roker after all. I was tentatively scheduled to go to New York this weekend; however; the producer cancelled the trip because of Mr. Roker's schedule. I was disappointed because I really wanted to meet Al Roker he seems like such a good person. In reality (again!) the producer and I covered so much material when he was out here last month that we would have to recreate some of those questions with Al Roker. I have faith in the producer and hopefully the final cut will come out in a positive manner. That might sound strange because nothing I did was positive but the goal is to help myself and others with a compulsive gambling addiction. If one person views the show and seeks help at least I know some "good" came of my bad, I hope this makes sense?

Yesterday, during my Gamblers Anonymous meeting I spoke about urges because one of the two questions my sister ask me during her visit was about urges. My response to my sister and to my GA group was the same; my urges were knocked out of me some 4 1/2 months ago. I am sure the urges are lying dormant and when life gets back to "normal" (whatever that is??) those urges will reveal themselves. I am trying my best to maintain an arsenal to fight those urges so I don't end up with the third option in Gamblers Anonymous which is dead. I must keep doing what I am doing and never ever forgot the hurt, pain and shame I have instilled in myself and my family because of my gambling addiction. I don't want to go back to those places and I will do everything in my power to fight this addiction and I will do it one day at a time.

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