Thursday, July 07, 2005

Learn is to Live

Today I had an interview for what I would define as a "real" job. It is a job that I am very qualified to do and I wouldn't have to give it up if "certain events happen" (hopefully). I wouldn't be directly responsible for money; in fact I would be responsible for ensuring the people responsible for money and finances were doing their job. This is something I have done in the past and most of my experience lies in this area. It is a little "funny" (maybe funny isn't the right word but I will go with it for now) how I had a great deal of independence and it was the first time I was directly responsible for the finances of the organization and it seemed to be my undoing. I have said this before what has happened to me HAD to happen or I would be lying in a ditch somewhere wondering (if possible?) where everything had gone wrong.

The other evening I was speaking with a friend of mine and we were talking about my situation. This person told me to be very careful when writing on this blog and when speaking in public. I completely understand this person's protectiveness; however; I have already outlined what I did and I am not hiding somewhere until this is all settled. I am not going into specifics in a public forum but I need to tell my story more for me more than anyone else. What I did was wrong and I am "trying" to make right my wrongs. I hope this make sense.

Some people believe I am doing this to get out of what I have done. This is wishful thinking on their part. The damage I incurred is done and I have to get on with my life in the proper path. I am trying everything necessary to do the right things so I can live a full life without this addiction. Please make no mistake that it is a daily struggle but those people today in London have it much worse than me and the children in Africa have it much worse than anyone of us. I certainly want to "get on" with my life but each day I learn something new. Like today did you know that G-8 stands for the Group of 8 nations and there are actually 9 nations in those 8? Confused? I was and still am!!!!

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