Friday, July 01, 2005


Thursday morning my wife woke up in tears. She was having a nightmare and was sobbing in her dream which lead her to sob when she woke up. I comforted her and ask her to tell me what her dream was about. I certainly thought the dream had something to do with our current situation but I was wrong. Her dream was about her cousin dying. She said it was one of those very vivid dreams where everything felt so real. She also spoke of seeing the death on videotape. My poor wife was shaking with fear as she retold the story. I am not a psychologists and don't pretend to be so I have no idea how to interpret the dream. I am sure I could take some guesses (which I know some of you will) but I will not. I do think her subconscious is processing certain things.

Last night my seven year old daughter knocked on our bedroom door at 2:30 am. She entered the room and I asked her what was the matter and she said she had a nightmare. My wife and I asked her if she could explain the nightmare but she didn't want to talk about it. She wanted to sleep with us because she was very scared. It is so very hard to turn away a sweet innocent child when they say they are scared so of course we let her sleep with us. In the morning we asked her again if she could explain the dream and she did. It had to do with a cartoon and some violence in the cartoon. No, we don't allow her to view violent cartoons. Somehow her dream had to do with the Rugrats (not really known for violence) and their All Grown Up characters. I really don't know how to interpret this one but I would guess she saw something violent on television and it went into her subconscious and came out as a nightmare or she is picking up on what is going on. I really don't know but this is such a hard time for everyone. I know we will get through this one way or another but the getting through part is going to take a long time. I hope everyone knows now the real meaning of "One Day at a Time" because any other way would be impossible.

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