Friday, July 15, 2005


I must apologize for yesterday's posting in regards to the Deputy District Attorney and the Judge. I did not mean any disrespect to either one I was just voicing my frustration which was wrong. The Deputy District Attorney has a job to do and how he goes about his duties are his business and I don't have a right to criticize because it was my bad behavior that has caused all of this. I certainly meant no disrespect to the Judge I was just trying to point out the overload of cases and he also has a job to do and my case will be heard in due time. Please accept my apologies.

My attorney, the Deputy District Attorney and two representatives of the pool company all met in my backyard this afternoon. The Deputy District Attorney told the representative from the pool company that he will be sending them a check for phase 3 and when phase 4 is complete the final check will also be sent. I must commend the DDA for his thoroughness because he asked questions to the pool representatives and felt satisfied the amount on the contract was the amount to be paid. Thank goodness, this part of the case has been resolved. Maybe my children will be able to swim in the pool after all.

My younger sister and her wonderful family will be visiting with us tomorrow through Tuesday. We haven't seen much of each other in the past year and I am looking forward to her visit. When my family comes to visit it is usually for a few days but when my wife's family comes to visit it is for a few weeks. My family has such a short attention span that we tend to wear out our welcome faster so the shorter visits work much better. Whereas my wife's family really enjoys spending time (not that my family doesn't enjoy spending time but it is of a shorter duration, I hope this doesn't get me into trouble?) with us (really the children and Monica but that is okay) and they don't seem to wear out their welcome so the longer stays work for them. I have a feeling these statements will get me into trouble but hey I need a diversion!!

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