Saturday, July 30, 2005

It Works

Gamblers Anonymous is certainly working for me. I was told by a long time member the program works 100% of the time and he is right. Gamblers Anonymous is founded on the principle of abstain from gambling no matter the circumstance. Sounds fairly simple but for some members and for me prior to coming to GA it is a life long struggle. I know no good will come of anything if I gamble and I will lose everything. This includes my family and most likely my life. Why would I risk it all on placing a bet right now I will not (today). However; under the right set of circumstances and without thinking of the consequences (losing my family and my life) I could place a bet. This is where Gamblers Anonymous comes in very handy. It is providing me the tools to be aware of these mental blank spots and GA also offers fringe benefits.

These fringe benefits are the members. There are some wonderful people in GA and in my area we have some very special people all with the same goal to help people stop gambling and live a life with a sense of purpose. I had the honor of being the Secretary at today's meeting and my heart is full. Everyone has a different story but the end result is always the same; gambling took over our lives. Some members are very fortunate to realize the problem before their lives got totally out of control. Other members such as myself faced years of denial where I thought I could gamble like everyone else and it took over my sense of being.

I learned what denial stands for Don't Even Know I Am Lying. I was in some serious denial for so many years. I didn't find Gamblers Anonymous until I wanted to find them. I didn't go begrudgingly; I went because I wanted to go not many members can say this. I need this program because it provides me with the sense of purpose that has been lacking for so long in my life. My fellow members are so inspiring and my sponsor is a special person. We are not bad people and no one should say we are weak nor should they feel sorry for us. We are normal everyday people that have an addiction to gambling and are seeking help with this problem. The program works only if you I work it and I am working it and I intend to work it one day at a time.

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