Thursday, July 14, 2005


Yes, today was another never ending court date and yes, just like so many other dates it was postponed. I go back in two weeks. The reason for today's postponement was a new one; the judge was too busy to hear my case. I am not being flippant or sarcastic it is the truth. The judge told my attorney and the Deputy District Attorney he had to get through 150 scheduled cases today and he didn't have time to discuss my case because it would have thrown him off schedule. He asked (I don't think asking is an accurate depiction because after all he is the JUDGE!!) or rather told my attorney and the Deputy District Attorney to postpone my case until the 28th.

One hundred and fifty cases in one day seems like a lot of cases. The court opens at 8:30 am and the judge doesn't take his seat until 9:30 am, they break for lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:30 and they take two 20 minutes breaks in the morning and afternoon. The court session is scheduled to wrap up by 4:30 pm. Let's do some math; the morning session lasts 2 hours and 10 minutes and the afternoon session lasts; 2 hours and 40 minutes; for a total of 4 hours and 50 minutes of actual court time. This breaks down a little further to 290 minutes to hear 150 cases; that means the judge can only spend a little less than TWO MINUTES per case. Doesn't seem likely without any overtime incurred by the county and this is what the judge was trying to avoid. I guess it is good to be an attorney because there sure seems like there is enough work to go around especially in this county.

I was looking on-line at my case this morning before going to court and yes, by the way I MUST show up at each court appearance even though it is postponed because if I don't I can get thrown in jail (that is enough incentive for me!). Getting back to me looking at my case on-line this morning I noticed something had been filed yesterday regarding real property on my case. I asked my attorney who didn't know, then my attorney asked the Deputy District Attorney who didn't know then my attorney asked the judge who didn't know and then I went with my attorney to the court clerk's department and he asked the court clerk who didn't know. The legal system is fascinating especially in this the information age when I can find out about something before everyone that is "supposed" to find out. I will have to wait until next week to see what this document is but I have a good indication of what is already.

Tomorrow my attorney and the Deputy District Attorney are coming over to my house to inspect our pool. The Deputy District Attorney wants to ensure phase 3 of the pool is complete before he cuts a check to the pool company and the "only way" he can ensure the pool is "properly" completed is by an inspection by himself. It is nice to know the Deputy District Attorney can make time in his day and inspect my pool for the good of the people of California. I guess he is doing his job and yes, I know I caused this horrific mess and if anyone out there reading this is doing something "illegal" please stop because it is so NOT worth it. Sorry about the Public Service Announcement I couldn't help myself.

I was speaking with someone today regarding my situation and analogy came about; right now I am sinking not drowning but sinking and I am waiting for the Coast Guard ship that I can see on the horizon to save me but they haven't moved in four months and I am not sure they CAN see me. This wasn't the exact analogy but I hope everyone understands. I do feel terrible about what I have done and I am trying to get my life in order but my life is now stuck not in reverse but stuck. My attorney refers to it as "baby steps"; I refer to it as; the movement of snail on a wet beach with the wind in their face". One day at time and God please keep granting me that wonderful serenity!!!

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