Thursday, January 18, 2007

Running Ability

The Facilitator Training Class ended early enough yesterday afternoon so I could get in a workout. Once again while I was performing these exercises I had a few inmates approach me. Their biggest concern was the “list” the coach was supposed to post informing them whether or not they would be able to take the test today. I was not in the earlier PFT class because I was in the training class so I had no clue about any of this which I told the inmates. When I am exercising, I like to maintain a rhythm. Unfortunately, many of the inmates are not aware of this and talk incessantly. I try not to be annoyed but sometimes my emotions do show. I have been patient up to this point but yesterday as one of the students was talking to me, I stopped very briefly to talk but continued on with my exercises. It took awhile but the student – who by the way is someone I do know fairly well over the past 3 months – got the message and moved on. I don’t believe I am rude but if I were to stop and talk with everyone I would get nothing accomplished.

I stayed out in the yard until it closed at 4:00 pm and went back to the dorm without any protein drinks. I made it back for mail call and lately mail has been much less than usual. I am not sure if it is the combination of all the holidays this month or my friends and family are growing tired of writing me but my mail delivery has lessened considerably. I did receive 2 pieces of mail from 2 dear friends and I am always grateful to receive any mail. Afterward, I had to fold clothes that I got back from the laundry. I’m not sure how the clothes are laundered but they come back extremely wrinkled, especially the shirts. I guess the washing machines and dryers are stuffed to capacity because everything looks like it has been rolled up into a ball for the past 2 years.

I attended dinner because rice was on the menu. When I arrived at the dining hall, it was standing room only. Some dinners are more popular than ever but I had no idea beef stew was such a big draw. I found out it wasn’t the beef stew; it was the Cadbury Ice Cream Cone that was so popular. Of course I gave mine away to the “rapid eater” and he was very reluctant to take it. Normally I can give away my dessert without any problems and I would have thought everyone would jump at the chance but that was not the case. I had to convince him to take it because I was not going to eat it. He finally took it and was very appreciative.

When I got back to the dorm I composed 2 letters to those that I received today. I was going to do this over the weekend but my compulsive obsessive behavior got the best of me. I don’t like having any unanswered letters lying around. I do have one unanswered letter which I am saving because the letter will take time to write, but with said I do feel strange having not answered this letter. My entire was spent by writing and I had no energy left to read so I turned in at the normal time. Prior to turning in, I received some potentially bad news that I may not get to watch HEROES because it might be opposite of 24 and my dorm mates prefer 24 to HEROES. I was looking forward to watching that show, but if I can’t then so be it.

I was finally able to get a restful night sleep for a change last night. I made it all the way through to 5:00 am without waking up which is some kind of record for me. Breakfast was the typical hot cereal and I managed to smuggle out 2 bananas which was certainly a bonus. I think the combination of recovery therapy in the Facilitator Training class and exercise provided me with the good nights sleep. I am still waiting for the “vegetarian card” which the CO on Monday was supposed to obtain for me. He may have washed his hand and along with it went the reminder. This particular CO only works on my tier on Monday and Tuesdays so I have not seen him since. I will wait until next Monday or until the next time I get asked to present the “vegetarian card” which ever comes first to follow up on this issue.

Today was the final day of the current PFT class and it was scheduled to start mid-morning. The late start gave me the time to do my own workout prior to starting the class since no one showed up. I ran 5 miles before the class and I knew I would cover 5 more miles power walking and walking in the class. This would give me 10 miles for the morning. As I was running prior to class I received some strange looks from the inmates who have come to know me over these past 3 months. It seemed they were wondering why I was running before class especially since it was test day for the students. I even got a few “Slow down.” “Don’t you ever take it easy?” type comments. As I mentioned previously my running ability has reached a very comfortable point and it is great to run “ache free”.

Test day is my favorite part of the 9 day PFT class because it is the culmination of all the hard work the students have put into class. Unfortunately, I would not be able to lead or be a back pacer because the 2 student / instructors had these positions. I was able to be a side pacer for the entire 4 mile walk and did call many of the cadences. By test day the students who have not mastered the power walk are not allowed to participate in the test so everyone normally makes the power walk in the allotted 52 minute time frame. The class was larger than normal and was split into two groups after the power walk. My group went to the high bar for a 60 second hang and the other group went to the Harvard Wall where they would do 5 minutes on each leg. I don’t like it when the students fall off the high bar in less than the allotted 60 seconds. Unfortunately, there were a few casualties this morning. This means that these students have to take the class all over again. One of these casualties was a student who is now in his fourth class. He was in my first PFT class when I started over 2 months ago. he stood out back then because he was extremely cocky during that first class but has gotten less and less cocky over the subsequent classes. To say he has been humbled would be accurate and failure does seem to produce humility. I believe by the look on his face as he fell off the high bar he was downright flabbergasted and extremely dejected. It will be interesting to see if he does return for the next class.

This was my fourth test with the coach and I must say he was very lenient today as he graded the students. They receive either a passing grade or a failing grade. The coach failed 10 students and 56 students passed. All of the failing grades were caused by students not being able to perform the particular task. In fact, all of these students eliminated themselves and were not failed on any technicalities. I know the coach would never admit to this but I believe he was showing the students some “love” (prison slang for being nice) and he watched them this morning because of what happened 3 weeks ago when the entire class failed due to the substitute’s comments to Administration. My favorite part of test day is the final task – the one mile run. Unfortunately, I could not participate because I had to assist in the PFT class. I did watch from the sidelines as all the students crossed the finish line in the required 9 minute time frame and let out a huge sigh of relief and victory. The smiles these students produced at this point are so genuine and even the tough looking guys can’t help but to smile from ear to ear. If the prison could bottle the moment each student passes the finish line as they complete the test, there wouldn’t be any return visitors. All of these students receive a sense of accomplishment which unfortunately does fade, but it is great when it happens. This moment makes my position so rewarding because I know anyone if given the proper training can accomplish good things. This is just like life when given the right attitude, tools, and training – the sky is the limit. I have been given the right tools and training in my recovery. Continuing with the proper attitude, I know I can and will accomplish positive things. The lessons of this journey continue.

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