Thursday, December 01, 2005

Gambling Young

It is so hard to believe this is the first day of December and the year is nearly over; time sure does fly!! Life for me took an interesting turn nine months ago and it took a turn for the better not the worse. The worse is what I have done to my family and myself by NOT being willing to admit I am a compulsive gambler. Nine months ago I finally took a step in the right direction and admitted I am and will always be a compulsive gambler. I have met so many fascinating and wonderful people over the past nine months and I am blessed to have these people in my life.

Part of me admitting I am and will always be a compulsive gambler requires assistance and this assistance has come in the Gamblers Anonymous Program. I am forever grateful for this Program because it has saved my life. Without the Program and the truly incredible members I would be lost but now I am found. I found myself and no I am NOT a bad person, yes, I made some bad decisions and I will face the consequences of those bad decisions in the coming months. However; I know I am doing the right thing each and every day by living honestly and NOT gambling.

A few months ago I did an interview with Al Roker Productions for a documentary to be aired on Court TV. The production is finished and it will air next Thursday December 8th at 8:00 pm Eastern Time and again at midnight on the same day Eastern Time. The name of the show is Al Roker Investigates: Kids, Cards and Dice. To read more about the show please click here for the press release. I have not seen the show and the first time I will see it is next Thursday (if I do watch it?) just like everyone else. The show's central theme is around young people and gambling. How do I fit into that you may ask; well my first real bet at a racetrack was when I was 12 years old and my first real bet with a bookmaker was when I was 16 years old. All of the statistics state; the younger you are when you start gambling the more likely you will become a compulsive gambler. My life is a testimonial for this previous statement.

Even though I got into trouble with gambling two other times in my life I never fully admitted I was a compulsive gambler and guess what it got progressively worse until I found myself in prison. Yes, I was in prison and will go back to prison because of my compulsive gambling addiction. It doesn't have to come to this and hopefully my story will help one person get help that desperately needs it before they found themselves in prison or worse. I don't know if this is selfish on my part but I want my story to be heard. Yes, it happened to me and it can happen to anyone if they are not honest and open with themselves.

Here is a quote from Jake who is a 20 year old recovery compulsive gambler who started gambling when he was 12 years old; "It's unfortunate there's not more awareness on compulsive gambling. No one ever told me about it when I was younger. Even if it's just for fun, it's setting patterns (for gambling)." Jake is very fortunate to have found recovery at a such a young age. I wasn't as intelligent and neglected my true feelings when I was his age.

Yes, gambling is fun but for some it is fun then it is fun with problems and then it is just PROBLEMS. Children as young as 8 years old are learning how to play poker (Texas Hold'em). Most of these children will go on to lead normal productive lives but 5% will develop a gambling problem. Can I save the world? Absolutely not!! Can I save one person? I hope so because by NOT gambling it has saved my life.

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