Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year's 2006

Happy New Year; I wish everyone a very happy, healthy and joyful 2006!!!

A very big congratulations goes out to a fellow member of Gamblers Anonymous. At 5:45 this afternoon they welcomed a son into their family. Mom and baby appear to be doing well. This member has been very influential in my life and I am very blessed to call them a friend. These are two very special people and they have been blessed with the miracle of having a baby. Congratulations on your first addition to the family.

There is so much good in this world and I consider myself blessed to be a part of this goodness. Today was a very special day not only for my friend and his wife but for all of the people in the Gamblers Anonymous fellowship who have gotten to know these two very special people. Everything in life happens for a reason and today was an example.

This morning on Good Morning America there was a segment on sports betting. You can read more about the story here. The story is very similar to mine and in fact you can insert my name and you have my story. Compulsive gambling is a devastating addiction and can have dire even fatal consequences. However; like this gentleman I am also in the same wonderful Twelve Step Program and life has so much more meaning now than it had when I was betting on sports. Life does get better after gambling and some of us like myself have to learn the hard way.

The only criticism I would have of the article is having the link to Gamblers Anonymous or the national Problem Gambling helpline inserted into the article. Casinos and sportsbooks make more money from Christmas Day to New Years Day then they make the entire month of December and it is no coincidence we have seen a rise in new members coming to the Gamblers Anonymous meetings. The problem is not going to go away it will only get worse. Hopefully by airing these types of stories about compulsive gambling will help some people who wouldn't have normally gotten help. Awareness is the key and the more aware the general public is about problem gambling hopefully will minimize the horror stories.

I heard this evening that there was a serious injury at my previous employer last night. I don't know if gambling or alcohol or both had a direct cause in the accident but horrible incidents like this happen a great deal on the holidays. I know the majority of people can gamble normally and unfortunately I am not one of them. I now know this and thank God each and every day for having me find the Gamblers Anonymous Program.

I discovered something at tonight's meeting that I hadn't realize in the past ten months which was the reason why I didn't seek help with my gambling problem sooner. I didn't seek help sooner (which should have been when I was 18 or again when I was 28) because I didn't have the desire to stop gambling and I was not open and honest with myself. I have the desire and I am open and honest with myself and the Gamblers Anonymous Program has taught me this very important concept. As long as I have the desire and are open and honest with myself the Program will ALWAYS work. The key for me is to be involved with this very special Program and I intend to be involved with the Program one step at a time.

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