Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mr. Arnie Wexler

I finally got the pleasure to meet an individual who is the world's most renown authority on compulsive gambling; Mr. Arnie Wexler. Arnie himself is a recovering compulsive gambler and he has been recovering for the past 37 plus years. I started communicating with Mr. Wexler about nine months ago because I needed help and he is one of the people who has been instrumental in helping me and my family. He not only took the time to speak with me nine months ago he spoke with members of my family. He truly understands the addiction and he truly understands what needs to be done to recover from the compulsive gambling addiction.

I drove down to San Diego to meet with him at his hotel and although he and I have talked and communicated via email many times over the past nine months we had never met. We both appeared in the Al Roker Investigates; Kids, Cards, & Dice Program but were taped separately. I had seen Mr. Wexler on television many times so I knew what he had looked like so I knew what to expect. What I didn't expect was how he greeted me. He came down to the lobby of the hotel, got off the elevator, walked directly toward me, gave me a big embrace and a kiss on the cheek as if we were old friends. We are old friends because we share the same affliction; we are both compulsive gamblers and I am happy to say we are both recovering compulsive gamblers.

We were going to attend a Gamblers Anonymous Meeting not far from his hotel and decided to stop and get a bite to eat for lunch. As we drove I listened to Mr. Wexler talk and when he talks about compulsive gambling he is very passionate much like many long time recovering compulsive gamblers but Mr. Wexler has a certain charisma that is unmistakable. He is originally from New Jersey and has the New Jersey accent but he does not come across gruff he comes across genuine and very likeable.

We stopped for lunch at an Italian Restaurant before the GA Meeting and I listened to more stories about compulsive gambling. Although the lunch was terrible the company was fabulous. Mr. Wexler is very concerned about the poker craze and how it has gone mainstream especially with the young people. He told me a story about two people who are 12 years old and are in recovery from their compulsive gambling to poker.

Yes, you read that correctly 12 years old!!! That was astonishing and I know it is only the tip of the iceberg. We covered a wide range of topics relating to compulsive gambling and with my background in the gaming industry I knew exactly who some of the people he was talking about. We finished lunch and headed to the GA meeting where they were celebrating a birthday. In fact I had met this member yesterday at the birthday celebration in my home town. This member was celebrating one year in the GA Program.

It was a very large meeting with about 35 people in attendance. In the meeting were three members who combined for 107 years in the GA Program. The program is 48 years old and these three members all had over 30 plus years in the Program. When we (GA) say the Program works we certainly mean it. These three people are a testimony to the Program and all three of them have given back so much it is truly incredible. However; most importantly there were three members who combined for one day in the GA Program. These three members were the most important members in the room because they all had made the decision gambling had them licked and they needed help. I pray to God these three member continue on their recovery because I know it can only get worse if they go back to gambling it can never get better. It can get better if they continue to work the Program and they will see life very differently for the first time in their lives.

Compulsive gambling is an insidious disease and makes people like myself do things they shouldn't do like gambling until their last dollar is gone, like gamble until family is gone, like commit suicide. It doesn't have to be this way and I know it first hand. I cannot gamble like "normal" people (whatever that means!!) and I need help with this disease. I cannot do this myself and I am so happy to find a Program where I don't have to do it myself. There is a tremendous amount of help available and their are so many people willing to help. I am so grateful to have found this Program.

The meeting ended and we drove back to Mr. Wexler's hotel and we talked some more. He asked me to join him and another member for dinner but I respectively declined because I had to make my "home" GA meeting this evening. I told everyone I would be at this meeting and I felt the need to attend my second GA meeting for the day. I know this is part of my addictive personality and I am still seeking that balance in my life but I felt accountable for saying I would be at the meeting and I made the meeting.

As I left Mr. Wexler he gave me a big hug and another kiss on the cheek. He had a very big smile as we parted and told me to stay in touch. I had a very warm feeling in my heart as I walked toward my car. I am so blessed to have met so many wonderful people. I have a remarkable life and I am so thankful for all of God's blessings.

Anyone interested in reading more about Arnie Wexler please click here to access his website.

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