Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Heart & Soul"

Tonight I had the pleasure of attending a birthday celebration for two of our most beloved members in the Gamblers Anonymous Program. Both of these special people were celebrating four years in recovery from their compulsive gambling addiction. Even though these two people couldn't be more different; one a man and one a woman; one black and one white; they share the same common problem; life for them became unmanageable because of their gambling problem. It doesn't matter whether they were a poker player, blackjack player, slot player, sports bettor or any other "game" of chance their lives were unmanageable because of their gambling problem.

Somehow through the grace of God and the fellowship of Gamblers Anonymous these two incredible people have abstained from gambling for the past four years and they are in a very special place of recovery. I attend three GA meetings a week and there are four meetings a week in our area. I have been attending these meetings for the past 11 months and there has only been ONE meeting where these one of these two members didn't attend because they both happened to be out of town that particular day. I have seen these two people so much in the past 11 months it is truly remarkable.

One would think that having four years of abstinence these people would stop attending meetings but it is quite the contrary. Because they have this time in and they UNDERSTAND the Program they attend as many meetings as possible. Which is why the Gamblers Anonymous Program works and the spirituality exudes from these two individuals. I know I am a better person because of both of these members and I am truly blessed by their presence.

Tonight's meeting was a "lovefest" we had 41 people attend the meeting which was an accomplishment in and of itself because the room can only hold 30 people. People came from great distances to celebrate this milestone and it is a true testament to the Program and also to both of these fantastic people. I am so grateful to have made the choice to enter the GA Program 11 months ago because my life has been touched by some remarkable people.

These two people are the heart and soul of our group and I would like to thank them for all they have done for me in my recovery. They have taught me that the Program works if you work it, life without gambling is a great life and there is a Power greater than me. This Power does work in mysterious ways and has given me the strength to endure anything in my life. My life is so much better today than it was 11 months ago and these two people have been instrumental in my ongoing recovery. I love you both!!!

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