Saturday, January 07, 2006

Keep Learning

Another Saturday and another Saturday Morning Gamblers Anonymous meeting. This meeting was a little different because we were celebrating another member's birthday. No, not the day in which the member was born but the date the member entered the Gamblers Anonymous Program and has refrained from gambling. This was a very significant birthday because it marked fifteen years in the Gamblers Anonymous Program which means this member chose to make their last wager fifteen years ago and has not made one since.

Any birthday celebration in Gamblers Anonymous is significant because it means life has gotten better but today was very special because this member was very instrumental in developing the GA meetings in my home town and I owe this member a very big thank you. I owe this member a very big thank you because these meetings and this Program have saved my life.

Without the Program life would certainly be different and this different would not be in a good way. With the Program life is different but in a very good way. The significance of celebrating someone with fifteen years in the Program to me means the Program works if you work it. There is no other way; life won't get better if I stayed the course I chartered 22 years ago. I decided to change all of this 10 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Entering a Gamblers Anonymous meeting would not have changed my life if I just went to the meetings and not gambled. It has changed my life because I sought out people who were successful in their recoveries and try to emulate the things they have done to be successful. Today was a wonderful example of how the Program truly works if you work the Program.

This member has fifteen years in the Program and it was the biggest Saturday morning meeting I have seen in the past 10 months. The reason it was the biggest meeting is because this member gives back so much to the Program and other members came from great distances to wish this member a happy birthday. It was an inspirational meeting because we had so many diverse people offering their experience, strength and hope. I learned so much from this meeting and I am still amazed at how much I have learned in these past ten months and I owe all of this to the Gamblers Anonymous Program.

There was one particular member shared their thoughts on the Gamblers Anonymous Program and it really hit home with me. I will not go into details because what is said in the room stays in the room but I can say the Program certainly works. I know many people who have gambling problems may try GA and stop going after a certain time because either they feel they are cured or the Program is not right for them. However; for me the Program is a necessity that I will need FOREVER. I know this is not the creed of the Program because it really is a one day at time battle with the gambling addiction but I do know if the Program is not part of my life I know bad things will happen. This is just my perspective and I am sure others will be different but I need to constantly reinforce the tenets of the Program. There is no graduation and judging by the people with significant time in the Program you get out of the Program what you put in. I intend to keep putting into the Program because in the short 10 months I have been associated with it I have gotten so much out of it each and every time I attend a meeting.

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