Thursday, May 25, 2006

Days and Weeks Pass

Page seventeen of the Gamblers Anonymous Combo Book is the best page in this seventeen page book and that is not to say the other sixteen pages are bad but this last page tells me the compulsive gambler what I need to do in order to recover. This page has seven suggestions or rather directions for recovery. They are great directions and the seventh one states; "BE PATIENT. The days and weeks will pass soon enough, and as you regularly attend meetings, abstain from gambling and follow the guidelines on this page, you will experience continued recovery." This statement is so very correct because the days, weeks, months and now a year has passed so quickly it is truly remarkable.

It seems like yesterday I was sitting in the courtroom hoping to hear my fate when I realized that this wouldn't be the day. I was given a forty day reprieve and now I am on day thirty-five and I am wondering where those days have gone. The days are so filled with living and enjoying life that they go by so quickly. I am so happy to finally take a breather and enjoy each day because they are truly gifts from my Higher Power. Each day brings more gifts and blessings which I am so thankful for.

I know in five days I will embark on a new journey. I am looking forward (maybe that is not the correct word) rather I am anxiously awaiting the start of this new journey. I know it is not going to be easy but if I continue doing the things I have been doing in the last 15 months I know those days, months, weeks, and years will pass soon enough and I will be back with my family before I know it.

This new chapter in my life that I started fifteen months ago has been tremendous. I have met so many great people, started a new way of life and realized I can live a wonderful life without gambling. I have also learned it is so much better to be honest with everyone including myself because the self-deception was killing me. I do know that if I didn't embark on this new way of living I would have been dead. The way I used to live was no way of living it was just existing. I don't just exist I live life. Living life is so much better because there are so many blessings and joys in my life it is truly amazing.

It is so very strange how an adverse situation has made me a very peaceful, serene, content and positive person. I owe all of this to the Gamblers Anonymous Program and my beautiful wife. I take strength from each one and each one gives me hope everyday. I am grateful for the Program and I am blessed because my wife is such a special person. Life is wonderful and I know no matter what lies ahead life will continue on being wonderful as long as I stay in recovery which I intend to do one day at a time.

Here is another news article in regards to compulsive gambling and what it makes people do. This is one of the more unusual cases because I have not seen one like this in the past but it certainly does not surprise me. What seems to be a blessing for this young man is that he seems to have been caught early on before it really got out of control. Also; I was very thankful to read this man has entered into the Gamblers Anonymous Program and I pray he stays in the Program and works the Program. This Program as I have said numerous times has saved my life and hopefully it will save this person's life as well.

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