Sunday, May 21, 2006

Step Twelve

Before I get to Step Twelve of the Gamblers Anonymous Recovery Program I wanted to post two stories which relate to the story I posted on Friday. In fact these stories are written by the same author and they are the second and third part of a three part series. Here is second part of the series titled; "The Invisible Social Cost of Problem Gambling," and here is the third part titled; "Problem Gambling Draws Sporadic Help." These two article like the first article are very well written and extremely informative.

Hopefully this will set off a serious discussion on how more money needs to be earmarked for the treatment and awareness of problem gambling. Gambling is not going anywhere and I believe it is in the best interest of the gaming companies, Native American Tribes and governments to ensure people are getting the help they need to recover from this horrible addiction. Yes, I know this is a big business and lots of money is made by all three of these factions but maybe some good will come of these articles.

On to Step Twelve of the Gamblers Anonymous Recovery Program; Having made an effort to practice these principles in all our affairs, we tried to carry this message to other compulsive gamblers. This seems to be the most popular step because most people who enter the Gamblers Anonymous Program once they start feeling better want to spread the message to other compulsive gamblers who still suffer. I know this was my thought early on in my recovery. However; I was reminded the best way to carry this message is to be an example through my own actions. I can never impose my will on anyone because this would be counter productive to the GA Program.

First I must be committed to the GA Program which means working the Program. Working the Program means (to me) going to meetings; at least one meeting per week but I have been averaging a little over 4 meetings per week in this past year which doesn't make me special it just means I have the time to go to more than one meeting per week because this Program is my medication against my illness (compulsive gambling). Also working the Program means having a sponsor; I had a sponsor my second week in the Program mostly out of necessity due to my pending legal problems and people near and dear to me thought I may do something stupid; however; I am so grateful for my sponsor because my sponsor has gone through a very similar experience and they have been in recovery over 15 years.

I have spoken to my sponsor at least five times per week over the past year and although we really haven't gotten into the Steps (we have only covered the first three Steps; officially) my sponsor has helped me tremendously. I realize early on that my sponsor is a GREAT person and truly knows what is best for me so I have listened intently and I have learned so very much.

I did realize that I may have one "official" sponsor I have many "unofficial" sponsors. These "unofficial" sponsors have been a very big positive influence on my recovery and even though some of my unofficial sponsors may have little time in the Program they have helped me as much and sometimes more than my some of my other "unofficial" sponsors who have many years in the Program. Early on I wanted to be surrounded by people who truly understand what it is to RECOVER from this horrible addiction and I have found so many of these people that I am truly blessed.

Another integral part of working the Program is participating in the Program. It can mean as little as helping to set-up for a meeting to becoming a Secretary at a weekly meeting. This is part of the 12th step giving back to get so much more. I have set-up for meetings, gotten coffee, donuts, Co-Secretary for a meeting and volunteered at Intergroup. I am so happy to do all of these things because it helps my recovery. I remain accountable to myself and the Group which is all part of my recovery. Accountable is tantamount to my recovery because before I was not accountable and it led to despair now I am more accountable than I have ever been and it is wonderful.

Another part of my 12th Step work is telling my story. If my story helps one person get help that may have not gotten help than I am helped. I know my Higher Power has a very exciting plan for me and this plan is already in place. I have so much more hope and faith than I have ever had in my life and I owe it all to the Gamblers Anonymous Program. I know this journey has been very rocky but by working and applying all 12 of the Recovery Program Steps in my daily life there seems to be a certain type of peaceful serene feeling over me. I know this comes from the Program and as long as I work the Program peace and serenity will fill my life each and every day.

Finally; there you have all twelve steps in an "unofficial" format. I am by no means done working these Steps in fact I have barely begun. I have only been in recovery for almost fifteen months which makes me a baby in the world of recovery but it is a very good start. This is a lifelong process which needs to be repeated one day at a time. I know I will work the Steps in an "Official" sense in the coming years with my sponsor and I look forward to this but I do know I can NEVER EVER get complacent about my recovery because I am one bet away from that slippery slope of death. I must be mindful each and everyday and by doing all these things I am becoming the person I am destined to be.

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