Monday, May 15, 2006


The Gamblers Anonymous Program has been so very good to me in these past 14 and 1/2 months. Tonight I had the honor and privilege of accompanying a very good friend of mine to a GA meeting we don't normally go to. We first went to this meeting over one year ago and it is located about 20 miles north of where we live. This meeting has struggled over the years for numerous reasons but my friend had asked me if I wanted to attend this meeting one last time before I go on "vacation" (inside joke; this is how my daughter describes my pending incarceration; please keep in mind I told her I am going away because I did something bad but I never mentioned the word prison or jail). I answered yes, because it is so good for me to see other meetings and meet other people who are also dealing with their compulsive gambling addiction.

The meeting tonight was a very good meeting and I was impressed with a few of the members. This town is at a disadvantage when it comes to Gamblers Anonymous meetings because there is only one meeting per week so if the members want to go to another meeting they would have to make a conscious effort and drive about 30 minutes to the nearest meeting which would be in the town I live in. We have a tremendous GA group in my area and offer six meetings a week; everyday except for Friday which I am so grateful for. The meeting we went to like I mentioned has struggled over the years but I was so happy to see a complete transformation in the meeting and some of the members over the course of this past year.

I have gone to a few meetings in this town before and the last time I was up there was about three months ago. The meeting I went to three months ago was a little different but the meeting tonight was extremely good. There are some members who really understand the Program and how best to work the Program and thankfully some of these members have taken a responsibility to ensure the meetings are conducted each week. These are very special people who are working their recovery to the best of their ability and giving back so much to the Program. I am honored to be in such great company. I do learn so much each time I attend a GA meeting and tonight showed me there is so much hope in this world and really anything is possible.

The key concepts of GA are really very simple; DON'T GAMBLE FOR ANYTHING but some people like myself have struggled with this concept for so long. The key for me is to not make any excuses and to be honest. My life was messed up when I gambled and now that I don't gamble my life is peaceful and serene. Yes, there is some baggage leftover from my compulsive gambling but I am dealing with this baggage by NOT gambling and truly working the Program. Working the Program is a road map to my success. There are 12 steps in this road map and these 12 steps must be applied to my daily activities. I must be mindful at all times of my recovery because a slip could prove fatal. I have no intention of slipping because as long as I work the Program and look to my Higher Power for guidance I know life gets better.

I have seen many members transform in the short time I have been in the Program and it is really amazing. The look on a new members face is usually one of horror and anger but after being in the Program and working the Program this changes to happiness and serenity. I know I am so much more happier today and the Program has given me a great sense of serenity. I am thankful for the Program each and everyday.

I do hope to take this Program with me when I am away on "vacation" but if for some reason I cannot I know there are other Programs I can attend. The 12 steps are the key to my success and growth and I know I must work these twelve steps each and everyday no matter when I am. I am so thankful and grateful to this fabulous Program because it has given me my life back and saved my life.

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