Friday, May 19, 2006


Yesterday I posted a very long but very well written article about how gambling affects millions of people. I was very impressed with this article because as the title states "gambling begets millions of affected addicts". I am one of these addicts and I am so very happy to say I am not only addicted to gambling which makes me a compulsive gambler but now I am a compulsive gambler in recovery. I fell victim to the gambling lure at a very early age and this has stayed with me my whole life. Now I know through my recovery there is a better way to live and I am enjoying this new way each and everyday.

There is a fascinating quote in the article from a compulsive gambler; "When we're gambling, we will lie, we will cheat, we will steal from everybody," he said. "It will take you places you never thought you would go." I know this happened to me because I lied to everyone including myself and I cheated so many people in so many different ways and I stole from many people. Also; yes, it has taken me to places I would have never thought of ever going to in a million years. This is all part of the consequences of compulsive gambling; however; everyone needs to know there is a much better way to live and it is a life WITHOUT gambling. In this life there is no lying, cheating or stealing. There is only honesty and open mindness. This way of living is wonderful and everyone should try to experience it.

It is obvious after reading this article gambling is not going anywhere it will only grow more and more. Every state except for two (Hawaii and Utah) has some form of gambling and as of today anyone with a computer can gamble anywhere and anytime at an online casino or sportsbook. As an aside; it is interesting that Hawaii and Utah do not have any form of legalized gambling and my suspicion says it has to do with religion. Both states are very religious and steeped in tradition; maybe it is a moralistic value. Also; it is very interesting that the United States Senate has considered a bill to outlaw internet gambling.

A little slice of irony I would say or is it? Maybe (now this is the cynical side of me) it has to do with money. Gambling is a very regulated industry and now it is an extremely powerful industry; I guess those gambling companies don't want the internet to cut into their profits or they are trying to figure out a way to get a piece of the internet gambling market but they need to do so in a way that does not make them look like predators. Again that was me being cynical but I can seem a glimmer of truth in those words. Statistics in the article don't lie; gambling takes in almost $136 billion (that is billion with a B!) a year yet spends only $35.5 million (that is million with an M!) on awareness and treatment. I wonder what the figures are for alcohol and drugs? Could it be more than $35.5 million? Probably.

A compulsive gambler cannot get their insurance to pay for treatment because even though compulsive gambling is a recognized mental illness by the American Psychiatry Association it is not defined as such in the Americans with Disabilities Act so insurance companies will NOT pay for treatment. Yet alcohol and drug treatments are fully covered. Will this change? Probably, because as gambling has gone more and more mainstream more and more people will be affected thus forcing some type of legislative action.

One very distressing quote came from the political well connected American Gaming Association's Executive Director; "But we haven't had any certainty that what we do as an industry has really met any scientific scientiļ¬c test as to whether it works or not." This is a frightening comment; this well connected arm of the gambling industry does not know if they are having an impact at all on helping people with their compulsive gambling addiction. Yes, I do understand personal choice and personal responsibility which is why I have taken full responsibility for my actions. However; there needs to be corporate and governmental responsibility because these are the ones reaping the rewards from gambling. Also; shouldn't the government ensure people are getting the help they need?

I could go on and on with my opinion in regards to this great article but I will wrap this up. As I wrap this up please remember I spent 12 years in the gambling/gaming industry and I have been in meetings where senior executives have stated that they didn't care if Mary came in with the welfare money or the last dollar to feed the baby. They went on about how this is a personal choice and we (Casino) can not police personal choice. Now I am not saying this happens all the time but the thought is to turn a blind eye and I would be the first one to say I had agreed with them because I never thought of myself as a compulsive gambler. Now I completely disagree because unfortunately in the beginning it was a personal choice for me; however; it escalated to a need and I would do anything to satisfy that need. I know now that I cannot live this way or it will kill me and I am so very happy to be living a life without gambling.

I am not saying all casinos or forms of gambling should stop people from gambling compulsively. Rather there should be more facilities and more money available for the treatment and awareness of the pitfalls of gambling. Afterall gambling is an extremely profitable business for all the owners and as one spokesperson said in the article it is in their (casinos) "best interest" to keep gambling fun and to not market to compulsive gamblers. Or is it??? Keeping along those lines here is another article which illustrates how far a compulsive gambler will go to stay in action.

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew and godson; I hope you had a great day; HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bobby!!!!

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