Monday, May 22, 2006

Thoughts About the Articles

Yesterday I posted two more articles by the same author in regards to problem gambling. The first article titled; "The Invisible Social Cost of Problem Gambling;" has some very salient points. One point is extremely telling; "Commit or attempt suicide. One in five, according to the National Council on Problem Gambling, a rate experts say is higher than for any other addictive disorder." This is a very scary statement and exhibits the despair we problem gamblers go through. When all the ammunition (which is money) runs out and all the lies have caught up with us where do we turn? Some unfortunately turn to suicide which is NOT the answer. This is a horrible addiction but one that can be dealt with. This is not easy but for me it is the only way I know how.

Through the Gamblers Anonymous Program I have learned more and more about myself and I know I am a good person much like everyone else who enters those rooms. I have a very bad problem which needs to be addressed and I know I cannot do this alone. Through the GA Program I do not have to do this alone and I am forever grateful for those wonderful people. If there is someone out there who is on their last rope and doesn't know where to turn please go to the Gamblers Anonymous Website and find a meeting in your area. If there isn't a meeting in your area please call 1-888-LASTBET and speak with Mr. or Mrs. Arnie Wexler they will guide you to where you need to go. There is no reason in this world for anyone to take their own life because life is worth living and living without gambling is a great life.

Another interesting point in this article was the National Gambling Impact Study which was performed in 1999 and stated their should be a moratorium on any new gaming sites until further studies could be completed in regards to problem However; no new studies have been performed and the gaming sites specifically in California and on the internet have exploded over the past seven years. I guess it all goes back to the almighty dollar and those who have it seem to make the rules which is not a bad thing but it is ashamed that so many people have to suffer with this awful addiction.

One last item from this article referred to the annual National Council on Problem Gambling put on by the National institute for Problem Gambling and how there was a discussion in reference to "Junk Science and Conventional Wisdom" concluded that "it's a myth problem gambling is widespread. It's a myth stats on problem gambling are readily available. It's a myth the known number of problem gamblers is just the tip of the iceberg." I had the privilege of attending this conference back in December of last year and sat in on this discussion and felt it was all just "smoke and mirrors". There was no substance to any of the discussion just a positive spin by the National Council to tell everyone they are talking about problem gambling.

Let's face it; casinos and gambling are going nowhere and they are here to stay. Casinos make their money off of people and will do almost anything to keep the top 20% of all gamblers coming back. This includes psychological tactics, emotional tactics and fundamental tactics. This is how the casinos earn their money and I certainly cannot begrudge them for this in fact I made a great living from this industry for a long time.

However; I became one of those statistics of the problem gamblers and no I was not enticed by psychological, emotional or fundamental tactics. I was enticed by my insatiable need to place the next bet. I was hooked on gambling without all the "smoke and mirrors". I did unspeakable things to make that next bet but now I know this is a HORRIBLE way to live. I am happy to leave this life behind. I have one more hurdle which is part of me making amends. This amends is paying the consequences of those horrible behaviors by being incarcerated.

Yes, I lost my career, home, car and all of my liquid assets but I did not lose my family and my life because I chose to do something about my addiction. I will become one of the positive statistics because I know through the GA Program I can arrest my disease and recover with dignity in a positive manner. I am so thankful I did not lose my life because my life now is so much better than it has ever been.

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