Wednesday, June 08, 2005

100 Days

It has been 100 days since my last bet. Like I said when I hit the 90 day mark it is just another number on a lifelong journey. I must continue doing the right things or it will be disaster all over again. Today, I received my first Gamblers Anonymous member phone call. A fellow member who I met a few weeks ago went back out and gambled. He needed to talk to someone after his gambling and for some reason chose me. I felt very bad he went back out and gambled but I felt honored he chose to call me. I listened to his re-count of his gambling expedition and commended him for taking the right step and calling someone to admit he went back out and gambled. The first step is to admit you have a problem because without this admission the next 11 steps are moot. I did suggest he go to a meeting and he said he already planned to go to a meeting tomorrow. I would have liked him to go to a meeting this evening but he said he was not up to going to a meeting. I gave him a few encouraging words and told him if he had the urge to go back and gamble to call me BEFORE he goes and gambles. I will follow-up with him tomorrow. No matter how long you have in GA we are all just one bet away from going back to the insanity. I don't want that insanity anymore, I have had enough of it to last many lifetimes.

I may have solved our housing situation. I don't want to go into details because the court will have to agree to everything. I realize all logic goes out the window when dealing with the court so I will save the story when the housing situation is finally decided. If the housing situation is decided upon favorably I hope it is not construed as a bailout because all I am trying to do is stabilize my family for the short term.

I think I finally understand what my attorney is trying to do. He is trying to get all of the restitution together before any sentencing, he calls this mitigating factors. My attorney's contention is that the more you have in restitution the less the jail time. I am not sure I agree with this point because the facts of the case should be you took x amount of money and whether or not you have the same amount money to pay back in restitution your jail time should be the same because you still committed a crime. I would think there should be other mitigating factors involved as well such as; what were the circumstances surrounding the crime, how many victims are involved in the crime, were the victims truly harmed because of the crime and what is the person doing so they don't do this crime or any other crime again. Hey, like I said before common sense and logic doesn't belong in the judicial system.

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