Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Some days are certainly better than other days and today was one of those "other" days. I can sit here and feel sorry for myself and for my family but what good does that do, NO GOOD!! I did what I did and I can't change that, all the wishing and hoping won't change a thing. What I have is today and what I have is a WONDERFUL family. I have an unbelievable wife and two awesome children, no matter what happens to me you can't take that away. I love them with all my heart and soul. Without them I am nothing and knowing I have them in my life keeps me going. Yes, it is very hard to come to terms with what I did to everyone (including myself) and I don't know if I will ever come to terms with it but I can't wallow in self pity, I have no right. The full measure of a person comes in adverse times and these are adverse times, only time will tell how this adversity was dealt with.

I am going on an interview tomorrow for an Internet Consultant position. It seems like everyone is an Internet Consultant!!! It appears to be a real job with a real company. Here is their website and no it is not MLM or network marketing it is an inside sales position. I have to take what I can get, beggars cannot not be choosy. I will fill everyone in tomorrow.

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