Sunday, June 26, 2005


I have a court date tomorrow and someone said to me I must be a nervous wreck. The truth of the matter is I am not a nervous wreck. I cannot control what happens tomorrow and worrying myself will do me no good. This may seem a little flippant but it is how I feel; whatever is going to happen will happen whether I worry about it or not.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change", I cannot change my past what I have done is done. "Courage to change the things I can", I can change my behavior now and my outlook on life and I am working on these character defects daily in addition to living one day at time. "The wisdom to know the difference", I am hoping to have enough wisdom to know what I can and cannot change and court tomorrow I cannot change it is inevitable.

Yes, I caused all this chaos myself. I have to deal with it to the best of my ability. Running away is not an option. Locking myself in a closet or cave is not an option. Facing my fears, living my life one day at time and knowing that I have not gambled yesterday or today is my way of dealing with the chaos. I think George Costanza's father put it best "SERENITY NOW"!!!!

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